- Homeowners who are struggling financially with removing asbestos or then eternit covering on the roof may forget about the grants from Clean Air 2025.
- Not grant to the funding for the following range of eligible costs indicated in Annex 2 to the Program, that is. insulation of building partitions, window and door frames, gates garage in buildings/apartments residential, whose roofs are covered with materials or products containing asbestos.
- The owners of such buildings residential locations may participate in the program under the condition of submitting a statement, that by the completion of the project, at the own cost and in accordance with the applicable laws, they will replace the roof covering for new ones.
- It t is worth noting, that the average cost of removal and disposal of eternit is over 24.66 £ per meter square brute in Poland. When converted to weight this cost is within the borders about 350-400 zl per ton. However this is nothing in comparison with the cost of purchasing and installing new roofing.
- A taking under consideration the real cost of new roof covering of a area about. 100 m2 together with replacement of structural elements can range from 25 tys. PLN to over 80 tys. PLN in 2025 year.
Complete no understanding is cutting off from funding from the Clean Air program to homeowners, who have financial problems with removing eternite, or that asbestos as roofing . We understand, that having on the roof eternite is not eko, but is also a form of subversion, also that energetic.
And as promised publicly the authors of the changes in Clean Air 2025 want to support also the poorest home owners in thermodernization and replacement of furnaces to environmental ones, which is very costly.
Today owners of houses, who are struggling with the financial problem, related to the replacement of eternit roof will be excluded from the Clean Air 2025 grant, if they do not remove asbestos. .
Clean Air 2025 not only improve the quality of air, but also to fight against poverty
The primary purpose of the Clean Air Program is primarily to improve the state of air in Poland. In this purpose in the Clean Air program there are funding for projects increasing energy efficiency of single family buildings residential, aAlso by reducing emissions of dust and other pollutants into air.
Subsidies are therefore to encourage homeowners to purchase better sources of heat, more energy-efficient and to termodernize homes. However and more often there is one other issue related to the lawful increase in costs of heating houses for some years.
The Clean Air Program is also support and help people poor energetically, so that they can at the lowest cost improve the energy efficiency of their homes.
In the program “Clean Air” we face multiple challenges. In the third group of the program, where
the level of funding for the poorest people is the highest, there are the most irregularities. The nature of these
abuses indicates that we support people, who do not need sto percent of funding. The “Clean Air Program therefore
we must remodel and target activities primarily for people poor energy and to improve energy – said Dorota Zawadzka-Stępniak, President of the Management of NFOŚiGW.
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If you don’t submit this statement, that will withdraw you freeze the price current
Removing asbestos and replacing the roof is a huge financial burden for home owners in 2025
Home owners, who are struggling financially with removing asbestos or then eternit covering on the roof may forget about the grants from Clean Air 2025.
It is also worth noting, that the average cost of removal and disposal of eternite is over 24.66 £ per square meter brute in Poland. When converted to weight the cost this falls in the borders about 350-400 zl per ton. However this is nothing in comparison with the cost of purchasing and installing new roofing.
A taking into consideration the real cost of new roof covering of a area of ok. 100 m2 along with replacement of structural elements can range from 25 thousand
£ to over
80 thousand years.PLN in 2025 year.
Of course
the cost
of replacing the roof
on many factors, such
as choosing
the type of
covering and the roof its total surface after the scope of the roofing work. And these last are not low as they reach about. 60-100 £ per 1 m2 completion of the roof.
Don’t forget also about the costs of buying decorating materials, which also are not low despite declining dynamics increasing prices of building materials on the market.
Average prices of the most popular roofing in 2025 year.
Type of roofing Average price of roofing per 1 m2 tile ceramic to over 200 £/m2 tile to over 150 £/m2 shingle bitumen to over 80 £/m2
Therefore therefore the replacement of asbestos roof is a huge financial burden, and therefore
it is necessary to additionally construct new roof in the house. And of course there is an
According to the report Status of
implementation of the Country Program of Abestos for the year 2009-2032 only in 2023 year. has been earmarked for removal and utilization of asbestos in 11 provinces of Poland (5 vov. no participates in the program):
- 23.9 million £ – Program NFOŚiGW we in cooperation with WFOŚiGW
- 19.5 ml PLN – funds from WFOŚiGW
- 2.5 ml PLN – funds of units of territorial government.
However, this is a proverbial drop in the proverbial sea of needs related to removal of asbestos. Why?
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Nearly 17 proc. decrease of trailer sales in 2024 year.
There is little support for replacement of eternit roof to new
According report NIK of control of 2022 year. it does not appear possible, to have been completely removed by 31 December 2032 year. Analysis of data NIK leads to the conclusion, that with preservation of the temporal implementation of Program products such will be disposed every at least for 60 years – counting from completionProgram.
From information NIK shows because, that through the first 12 years of Program only 17% of asbestos products were removed. And this affects only the products inventoried. And their accurate number still is unknown. Data estimates from 2009 year. talked about 14.5 million tons of inventoried asbestos products.
According to NIK the maintained MRiT Abestos Database does not reflect the actual state of the number of asbestos products. In practice it makes impossible to duly monitor implementation of the Program.
This is while, that the data in the Base does not reflect the actual state, in a large meter is caused by non physical persons – not being entrepreneurs, a using products containing asbest – from the obligation to annually submit information on the quantities, type and occurrence of those products.
There are also discrepancies between
data bases, and those collected in municipal offices. Improperties also relate to the performance by owners or managers of
real estate of the obligations to draft annual diagnoses of products containing asbestos and inspection of the state
and possibility of using them in dates resulting from the assessment.
Not all municipalities timely submit their annual information to marshals. Additionally this adversely affects the reliability of documentation.
According NIK the owners and users of real estate did decide to remove asbestos from considering the high cost.
The support offered was less than 10% of the total cost of replacing roofing. Important impact on implementation of the Self-Government Program of removal of products containing asbestos and Program has also had a small pool of funds appropriated by NFOŚiGW and WFOŚiGW.
However does exclude owners of houses with eternit on the roof from funding thermal modernization and removal of old furnaces is a good solution introduced by the MKK and NFOŚiGW?
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It found s 800 million zł to realize theProgram Clean Air
Exclusion of home owners with eternit from Clean Air will help fight
against energy poverty?
According to the latest project Clean Air 2025, owners of houses with eternit on the roof will be able to go with funding for replacement of the furnace or thermodernization of the house.
As reads on p. 13 – 9.3.1. General Conditions for allocation and payment of funding in the new Project Clean Air 2025:
para. 5. Not grant to the following range of eligible costs as indicated in Annex 2 to the Program, that is. insulation of building partitions, window and door frames, gates garage in buildings/apartments residential, whose roofs are covered with materials or products containing asbestos. Owners of such buildings residential locations may participate in the program under the condition of submission of statement, that by the completion of the project, at its own cost and in accordance with the applicable laws, they will replace the roofing for new.
No unless the owners of the houses bond not only financially, but submit a statement, that within three years (36 months) they will remove in accordance with the law and completely on their own cost for new roofing.
Is exclusion of home owners with eternite coverage, or that asbestos is a good way to fight against energy poverty? Source NFOŚiGW, Project Clean Air 2025
This fact was requested our attention by one of advisers, which specializes in supporting home owners in obtaining subsidies from Clean Air.
According to my estimates, almost 80% of farms from the highest level of funding will not qualify for the program, for which the target is the Clean Air program. In Poland a large quantity of houses have roofing of asbestos, and unfortunately the poorest of the highest level of funding will not be able, to replace the roof, and therefore they will not be able to use the roof.The Clean Air program, when they will not be able toimplementtheregulatory-emphasizesaadvisorspecializinginobtainingCleanAir grantsforhomeowners.-Forpersons,whomay benefitfrom100% subsidy-a verylargeexpenditureisyourowncontributioninthetaxVAT.Timesforthispurpose theyhavetotakecredit,andtheywillnotbeabletoinvestadditionalmoneytoreplacetheroof.
MaybegovernorsshouldthinkwhetheritisworthincludinginthegrantCleanAir projectsrelatedtoremovalofasbestos roofs,orfunding,insomedegreeofthepurchaseofnewroofingalongwithitsinsulation?
Ourviewownersofhousesstrugglingwithgettingeternitontheroofofthemansionprimarilyinrural areas.Theycertainlywillnotbe ableinaccordancewiththelawandattheowntotalcostto disposeofasbestosontheroof,andthemoreto investsomethousandsinpurchasingandinstallingnewroofing.
Let’ssincerely,theywillalsobe strippedoftheopportunityandexcludedfromtheopportunityto applyforgrantsfromCleanAir2025.Isthathowthefightagainstdeity(energy)in2025year.?”Respondincomments.
Amaybeweunderstandenergy deity?Maybeforthegovernorsaffectedbyitmainlytheownersofsuburbanhaciendas,whohavestronglyhikedtheirbillsforheating?”