A significant portion of workers find themselves in a difficult financial situation, when after covering their monthly expenses, there is nothing left in their bank account. Only a few workers are able to save a significant portion of their income, and many do not know how to save money at all, according to a study commissioned by the job portal CV.ee. Empty pockets. Photo: Caro / Conradi
A significant portion of workers find themselves in a difficult financial situation, when after covering their monthly expenses, there is nothing left in their bank account. Only a few workers are able to save a significant portion of their income, and many do not know how to save money at all, says a study commissioned by the job portal CV.ee.
“In the current economic conditions, it is difficult for employees to save money, as wages do not keep up with the cost of living,” says Indrek Harjak, Head of Sales at CV.ee. “Based on the results of the employer survey, we do not expect significant wage increases in the near future, which in turn will make achieving financial security increasingly difficult. Employers could more actively support employees’ financial literacy to reduce financial stress.”