Who will from tomorrow the Department of Social Security begin to pay one-time compensations for avtonalog? Why in January many pensioners didn’t have money? What will
change after the indexation?
Who will the Department of Social Security begin to pay one-time reimbursements for the auto-tax? Why in January many pensioners didn’t have money? What
will change after the indexation?
When questions Rus.Postimees answered in direct air expert on pensions and family benefits of the Department of Social Insurance Arthur Panov.
See interview in the repeat!
- Which group of population are payments for avtonalog?
- Is this exclusively about persons with disabilities?
- Why did many pensioners receive a smaller amount than usual at the beginning of the year?
- Whatwilltheindexationofpensions bring?
- Whichbenefitsaretaxablewithincometax?