The company Fermi Energia, developer of Estonia’s first nuclear power plant, yesterday announced that it has applied to the government to begin a
state specific planning process. Sketch of the atomic power plant in Kunda. On the front plan two reactors. Photo: Foto: Fermi Energia
The Fermi Energia, the developer of Estonia’s first nuclear power plant, yesterday announced that it has applied to the
government to begin a state special planning process.
The term “state special planning” means conducting conclusionary studies before applying for a construction permit. At present times of more than a dozen of the considered sites two remain: in the surroundings of Kunda in Läääne-Viru County and in the village Aa in Ida-Viru County. The State Special Planning will determine where and how to build two reactors with a capacity of approximately 300 MW each.
A nuclear power power could appear in Kunda or Aa
In the next pair of years a decision will be made, to build whether the first nuclear power plant in Estonia in Kunda or Aa. The state special planning will also determine the places for other facilities needed for the nuclear power plant.
Beige: Zone of planning.
The Zone of planning includes not only the possible locations of the nuclear power plant, but also the territoriesдля планирования инженерных сетей и сооружений (водоснабжение, канализация,электрическиеикоммуникационныесети),атакженеобходимыхинфраструктурныхобъектов,такихкакподстанцииилинасосныестанции.