
Strażacy przypominają ile waży śnieg i alarmują: Odśnieżajcie dachy!

Strażacy przypominają ile waży śnieg i alarmują: Odśnieżajcie dachy!

Ahead of many days with heavy fall of snow in all Poland. Firefighters remind followers of the obligation of snow roofs by owners and managers of real estate. Snow and ice form a serious burden on the construction carrying roof. Accumulated burden can lead to a construction catastrophe.

How much weights snow and ice on the roof?

Particularly is important for large buildings inventory and storage with flat roofs.

As reported by the Command of the State Fire Department, one cubic meter of dry snow weights to 200 kg. Wet snow weighs already one 700-800 kg, and ice about 900 kg.

In concerning other predictions of fall snow and snow with rain this is worth remembering. An additional dose of moisture to the snow on the roof can be the cause of tragedy. In time from thaw even a few centimeter layer of snow becomes heavy and often turns into ice, which is very dangerous for constructions of roofs flat. A such in most cover farm and inventory buildings.

Dangerous to health and life are also overhanging from the roof

and rain icicles of ice and snow gullies . They must be removed on the-fly, so that they do not

threaten the people.

Under the weight of snow the house collapsed. In the middle of a

five family

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Under the weight of snow a house collapsed in the middle. In the middle of a five family

Duties of the building

“Remember, that snow removal of roofs is the duty of every owner and manager of real estate! Don’t wait, for there to be a tragedy – take care of your safety and others’ appeals for example the Command of District State Fire in Brzeziny, in Lodz province .

Firemen remind also, that snow removal of premises, walkways and roofs stands under Building law the obligation of administrators and owners of


“The owners of building facilities are considered not only persons or companies,

who have the exclusiveright of ownership, but also co-owners, users of movable property in management or

use.” – explains KG PSP.

Under the load of snow collapsed the church

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Under the weight of snow the curtain has collapsed

“If an entity, who owns the facility does not remove the snow from the roof, may expect a mandate or even close the facility. Owners and managers of facilities with a

building area exceeding 2000 m2 and building facilities with a roof area exceeding 1000

m2 have the obligation to conduct two times in a year an inspection

of the technical condition of their facilities. Inspectors of the District Inspectorate of Construction Supervision check, whether the law is being complied with.” – the guards are also complying.

Under the burden of snow the roof has collapsed the roof

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Under the weight of snow the roof

Easy to catastrophe

In the winter 2006 year. the sliding on the hall in Silesia snow lead to the collapse of the roof in the continuing there exhibition of pigeons and birds decorated. As a result of the catastrophe, 65 people died, and over 140 were injured.This is the most spectacular example, to which leads to neglect of snow removal roofs.

There is no shortage of one examples from farms. In February 2021. there was a construction catastrophe because of lacking snow occurred in the municipality Mełgiew, in Swidnica County, in Lubelszczyzna. The roof on the magazine of

agricultural crops collapsed. A few days later from the same cause collapsed the chicken house under Kolne in Wielkopolska, in which there were 25

thousand chickens. In winter 2022. under the heaviness of snow the roof on the piggery in the village Krzczonow, in

kazimierskiy county, in the village of Swiętokrzyskie. In the building there were 400 pigs. In 2023,

under a load of wet snow.runął dach na domu w Rdzawce koło Rabki-Zdroju w Małopolsce. W





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