
Status unemployed farmer. What are profits and who can use them?

Status bezrobotnego rolnika. Jakie są profity i kto może z nich skorzystać?

In last year the government prepared a project, which is to change the rules of acquiring unemployed status by farmers owning more than 2 hectares of countable (without other fixed income). This document is a project of the market and employment services. The project was approved by the Council of Ministers at a meeting 24 December 2024 year. Yesterday, i.e., 23

January br, held the first reading of proposed legislation.

Encouragement, a not coercion. Did this

word work on farmers, in the case of gouging?

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Encouragement, a not coercion.

Did this word work on farmers, in the case of suggestion?

Why what is this change?

It is about the ability to apply for funding offered by offices of labor.

– One of the key elements of the proposed law is a change in the priorities of public employment services, which are to be more focused on the market, the customer and the needs of entrepreneurs. In practice this means activation of vocally inactive people and farmers wanting to requalify. Hitherto farmers owning more than 2 ha of land cannot acquire status as unemployed. New regulations will allow they to register with employment offices and to take from active forms of support, such as training or grants for starting business activities. This is a step in the way of eliminating vocational exclusion of people, who have so far not been able to count on help from the state – said in the Parliament MEP Joanna Frydrych (KO).


– Special attention should be paid to the widespread simplification of many procedures, such as the ability to choose an office of employment, from which the unemployed will be able to use. The relationship of the unemployed person with the office of employment proper because of the place of registration, which will help the person to make their job. people with disabilities enter the employment market with much more ease. The quality of services to vocally inactive people and farmers will significantly improve. Following the PostWith the implementation of the proposed changes more support will also receive persons, who have been unemployed for longest . The possibility of combining multiple forms of assistance in the activation package for this same person is one of the most important changes for this group of people -. stated while MEP Maja Ewa Nowak (Poland 2050-TD).

The government proposal also introduces an obligation to publish job offers in the government base, which is intended to ensure equal opportunities in access to information about employment; also includes upgrading the telecom system, which will enable people seeking jobs to establish accounts and obtain help offices online. The new system will automatically send information about job offers matched to the qualifications of a given person, which is expected to increase the efficiency of the employment search.

Subsidies to business activities in rural

Worth on the occasion to mention, that for funding for economic activities cannot apply to persons, who for example. already conduct business activity or have conducted it in the last 12 months. The grant from

the county employment office must be applied for before registering business activities. A grant from PUP cannot be more than 6 times the average wage, that is

about 50 tys. zl. A person, who has been awarded a grant to establish a business, must operate for the following 12 months.

MoneyforstartingbusinessactivityinthevillagecanalsobeobtainedfromPFRON,andalso fromfundsoriginatingfromtheEU,throughtheso-calledfunds.LocalAction Groups(LAGs).The exactdirectionsofsupportaredefinedbyindividualLAGs. 


Revolutiononthevillage.ButMinisterSiekierskiassures,thathe doesn’twantnikomnothingtaken away.

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