Returning regional conferences Farmer we start from
the coming year.
What will we talk about with you ?
Protection of plants. Cereals and crops
- Overwintering before start vegetation. Assessment of overwintering
- Pressure of diseases and pests. Differences in relative to years past
- Spring protection. Complex approach. Economic conditions protection
Management of nitrogen in context of dynamic market
- Fertilization of nitrogen. Economic approach to nutrition of plants
- What nitrogen, at what time? Nutrition native
- Market
fertilizers in context of limiting import fertilizers from the east
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Prof. Sczepaniak: throw not effectively take nitrogen in the minimum season
Ecoschemicals after new. Changes and grants
- Ecoschemes. Experiences after the first activities and grants
- Changes in scoring and payments. Combining conditions
- Filling applications. Tips for producers
Regenerative farming
- Cultivating “coal”. Costs and profits. Water in soil. Long-term approach
- Ecoschemicals carbon in practice. Changes
- Credit carbon after two years of experience. Market. Value. Payments
Choosing varieties of corn – what to pay attention to. Poland market seed
- Bunch varieties – which to choose?
- What to guide in selecting varieties of corn for seeding?
- Experimentation of varieties. Guidance to use?
Market cereals and thistle. What can expect this season
- Market cereals and thistle after three years from aggressionRussia to Ukraine
- Global trade
and play food
- Manage harvest. Hold or sell? Perspective price
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regional conference Farmer. He will talk about the market of cereals and thistle
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Why should participate in conferences from the cycle Direction Innovation 2025?
- Completely free participation for farmers
- Meetings and direct conversations with colleagues and colleagues after feedback
- Theory and practice presented in accessible, easy to introduce the
You want to participate in the conference, but not by the way and to Lublin or does not reach Ci the deadline? Register for an event at an other location, we will still be there:
✍ Lidzbark Warmiński(ProvinceWarmińsko-Mazurskie)11February2025
✍ Kistowo(ProvincePomorskie)13February2024
✍ Boszkowo(ProvinceWielkopolskie)18February2024
✍ Wrocław(ProvinceDolnośląskie)20February2024