![Стань бомжом и ешь голубей: как 25 лет назад готовились к „апокалипсису“ 2000 года](https://naujienos.pricer.lt/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/5e685d15-7c8c-4551-bf7b-20401f3451db.jpg)
When on New Eve New 1999 year we were counting seconds to the battle clock, the new millennium caused both joy, and anxiety. For a few months, cybersecurity experts warned that computers, controlling everything from bank accounts to nuclear arsenals could be disrupted by an unfamiliar year “00” on the calendar. The ensuing hysteria was dubbed Y2K or “the 2000 year problem”, and for a while it dominated the news speak of the day, wrote Delfi Dom&Sad.But no cyber-apocalypse has occurred: government and commercial entities spent years and huge amounts of money to actively prevent any disasters, though some failures did always occur. American spy satellites were unreliable for several days; One of the video stores correctly counted that a copy of the 1999 thriller “The General’s Daughter” is overdue by 100 years, and billed the buyer for 91 250 dollars for the delay. Worse than all that many people have spent good money on guides on surviving in Y2K conditions and various advice about that, how to better survive the catastrophe which some internet forums have called
“The End of the world as we know“, or “TEOTWAWKI”. In anticipation of the 25th anniversary of this “non-event,” see the 10 most dramatic advice about
how to survive the worldwide collapse, which Mental Floss has compiled. You might think that surviving the “problem 2000 year” is hiding in a house full of supplies and weapons, but take note of the advice given by author Kenn Abaygo in the 1999 issue of the 1999 issue of the American SurvivalGuide. “Start your life in therunning as a homeless man,” Abaygo wrote. “Society and its government will take care of you in practically every relationship, providing you shelter from storms, food and water, medical assistance, clothing and support. They never ask for anything in return and seldom ask your name; almost never they never ask for and identification. They just want to give you the hand of help and feel good about doing this.” Abaigo also suggested some non-traditional solutions to
the problem of food shortages, noting that and proteins, and pigeons are hands-on and “many of they will come right into your hands for a piece of food. and none of they will expect to be caught, trap or hunt them.” Y2K for many was the worst scenario from the point of the
collapse of society. In the Y2K Survival Handbook, on the end of the millennium, the editors advised a simple strategy: identify what threatens your security, and address it. “Be prepared to encounter these hostile factors: boredom, pain, thirst, fatigue, temperature extremes, hunger and fear,” the publication warned. “Knowing what you are facing will help you win the battle for survival.” Perhaps you don’t think your home is the best place to live
in an apocalypse. Survival specialist Dave Lee told Canadian newspaper Star-Phoenix, that a safe home could be a good option. “You need a safe home or shelter to survive in a place where the current crisis won’t threaten you, ” said Lee. “The simplest way to organize a safe place is to do this.make arrangements with a friend or a family member within a distance of 100 to 150 miles, preferably in an other locality.” Lee advises to choose an area by the water with only a single access on a dirt road – and preferably
with guns. According to S.F. Tomaychik, author of the book “101 ways to survive the Y2K crisis”, those who have prepared well for Y2K, can attract those who have no means. “If you aren’t careful, you could accidentally attract these desperate and potentially dangerous people to your home, ” wrote Tomajczyk.” “How? by running a generator, by turning on bright lights and making sounds associated with modern civilization.” Tomajczyk recommends wearing old clothes, not cooking in open air and closing
solar batteries. Although spreading hysteria about the “problem 2000 year” would be tempting, it is not the best idea. In the words of Julian Gregory, author of the book “What Will Will Become of Us? Counting Down to Y2K”, trying to prevent others was a futile gesture. “Don’t try to warn everyone about Y2K”, – says in the book. “Don’t tell everyone what you are thinking to do to survive in Y2K, and don’t wait for their verbal support, before you begin
to act. Make decisions based on facts, and then quietly and consistently prepare.” The book “What Will With We be?” cynically examines the question about the availability of luxury in the post Y2K era. “Sell the unnecessary luxury items to get additional money,” – the book advises. “You will need
money to purchase the items listed in the Appendices.” (The book listed in the Book is the Money.medical supplies and resources for housekeeping ). With the possibility of electricity outages, it’s extremely important to consider how you can do without some familiar kitchen conveniences. In the book “A Personal Guide to Survival in Y2K conditions” author Michael Michael C. Hyatt gave a list of alternative options. You don’t have an electric canning knife?
Use a manual one. No mixer? Try using a non-electric hand mixer. No refrigerator? Hyatt advises to buy “foods that don’t require refrigeration.” Now it’s clear why you could use a handheld canning knife. Hyatt predicted that the Y2K crisis could also precede the collapse of the infrastructure for waste management. In If you do not flush the toilet, Hyatt has recommended the “shovel method” for collecting trash. “There are only four ingredients, – he wrote, – the packet, toilet, bucket and shovel.” The bucket
should be used for piss, and the toilet should be lined with bag, and its contents buried in the ground. (Hence and the shovel). Hayatt also recommends that the basket be covered with a shower curtain, to give privacy, “if you want to be comfortable.” Some Y2K participants feared that computer failures could could lead to being in Max’s crazy
style, when the doesn’t have the first essentials. According to TIME, Survivalists Bruce and Diana Eckhart from Ohio, bought a water bed – not for luxury, but for the convenience of storing potable water. “I hope we won’t drink out of my bed, ” said the 11-year-old daughter Danielle. In conditions when the bankinginstitutions and ATMs are under threat, it
makes sense for people to seek alternative currencies. Instead of gold and silver survivalist Y2K Gary North recommended stocking up toilet paper to exchange it for other items of first need. The Head family of Texas, who reportedly bought hundreds of rolls of toilet paper and placed them around the home. Double-ply paper could become a new paper
currency,butitwasnottheonlysolutionsuggested.RainerStahlberg, author of”The CompleteBook ofSurvival”,predictedthatalcohol,drugs,contraceptivesandfeminine hygiene itemswouldbecomeusefulforexchange,whenthemoney runs out-orwhenyouneedtopay91250dollarsfortheoverduefilm”The General’s Daughter”.