At a meeting on Monday, 13 January, on the bankruptcy of Nordica, Minister of Infrastructure Vladimir Svet reported that the temporary trustee of the
bankruptcy does not allow the publication of the report. Airplane Airline Nordica Photo: Eero Vabamägi
At the meeting on Monday, 13 January, on the bankruptcy of Nordica, Minister of Infrastructure Vladimir Svet reported, that the
interim bankruptcy administrator is not allowing the publication of the report.
The Economic Commission and Special Anti-corruption Commission held an open meeting on Monday, at which the process of the bankruptcy proceedings of the airline.
The Commission Chairman of the Economics Commission Jaak Aab noted that the last time the bankruptcy of a state-owned airline was discussed in the Commission in November, and then the minister of infrastructure and representatives of the ministry have promised to provide updated information about the procedure in some time. “We will know how the bankruptcy of Nordica and how the process of the sale of the airplanes is going, ” said Aab. At the meeting it became known that interest in the purchase of Nordica airplanes is actually available, and proposals should be submitted to the ministry by 17 January.
It also found out that Nordica’s debt is 38 million euros.
The meeting asked why the full report on Nordica’s activities has not yet been published. Members of the committees who had seen the report noted that it had been reported.is a disappointing reading, and they expressed the opinion that taxpayers should have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with it. If last year the obstacle to publication was the continued privatization of Nordica, that obstacle now appears to have been removed.
Minister of Infrastructure Vladimir Svet said that he himself supports the publication of the report, but the obstacle now is the temporary trustee of the bankruptcy trustee, which approves that the document contains information that could damage the progress of the bankruptcy proceedings. The Light promised that the Ministry with the Manager would agree which sections of the report should be disclosed, after the document would be published. The Minister added, that publication of the report could help to avoid similar errors in the management of other government enterprises, which would make it extremely helpful.
Themeetingalsoactivelydiscussedthequestion ofhowin2023themanagement ofNordicawouldtransfertoKnighthoodGlobal,if,according totheinformationofthecommissions,thepreviousmanagementhasreceivedan offerfromLufthansa.TheCommissionsrequestedtheministrytoprovidethe twobidsforcomparison.
The troubledNordicaNordicadeclaredbankruptcyinNovemberoflastyearafterthefailureofthecontractwithSASandthedisruptionofnegotiationswithapotentialDanishinvestor,whoconsideredtheriskofthecompanyto be toohigh.