The Labor Inspectorate has once again released a selection of businesses that are planned to be inspected this year. The list includes companies like Telia and A. Le
Coq. Enterprise Eesti Pagar in Payde. Photo: Dmitri Dmitri Kotjuh / Järva Teataja
The Labor Inspectorate has once again revealed a selection of companies that are planned to be inspected in this year. The list includes companies such as Telia
and A. Le Coq.
In this year the list includes businesses with higher risk levels, where no up-to-date risk analysis of the work environment or multiple accidents have occurred. The list included more than 2300 businesses.
The release of the list gives employers the opportunity to check how safe the work environment is, whether the work time and restrictions are being met,whether employees are provided with personal protection measures and whether the risk analysis reported in the Self-Service Labor Inspection system is updated.
The companies for verification were selected by different criteria. First, the first selected are companies whose activities are related to the highest risks – these are areas with high levels of severe and fatal occupational accidents, occupational illnesses and factors negatively affecting health.
In addition, businesses that didn’t submit a workplace risk analysis, as well as companies with high counts of complaints, accidents and labor disputes. But the inspectors can check theand companies not included in the list.
Which companies are in the list?
According to information on the Labor Inspectorate’s website, in the list of companies, the subjects of investigation, included such known companies as AS Eesti Pagar, AS A. Le Coq, Bigbank AS, Telia Eesti AS, Pagaripoisid OÜ and the municipal Company AS Tallinna Linnatransport, which provides public transportation in the capital.
The sample excludes businesses where a management is the only employee. The Inspection will focus on places where risk factors affect more employees.
The Inspectorate of Labor will conduct investigations of businesses in the 2025 year. The exact dates of visits are not specified, but in most cases employers will be notified about the inspection in advance. In some cases inspectors may arrive without warning.
The inspections will cover labor safety, health and labor relationships. The primary purpose is to prevent accidents at work, occupational illnesses and create a safe and comfortable work environment.
Businesses are given the opportunity to use a free consultation inspection service: This is an excellent chance to receive professional advice on work environment, mental health and employment relationships. Consultations are conducted on sites across Estonia and are voluntary. Specialists will help to improve working conditions and offer best practices and solutions, based on experience working with different working environments.
To request consultation, just writetotheaddress:[email protected], it is worth remembering that the Labor Inspectorate reserves the right to decide whether a consultant or inspector will visit the company.