
Spain, Malta, Egypt and United Emirates Arab – there are Polish people going there.

Hiszpania, Malta, Egipt i Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie - tam jeżdżą Polacy

Poles going behind the border for this year’s winter fest are going mainly to the south of Europe and to the Middle East.

As follows from data firm Holidays. pl reported PAP, the most popular direction of outings for this year’s fest is Egypt, the second place is Spain, and the podium closes the United Emirates Arabia. On the next place are the following: Dominican Republic, Malta, Thailand, Tanzania, Cyprus, Vietnam and Turkey.

Polanders will spend the feras in Egypt and Spain

“Among customers of office travel in the fera period dominate flight directions, because this is the ideal moment for going to distant countries, where the weather will be guaranteed, and where you can experience truly summer aura in the middle of winter,” – transmitted Marzena German from Holidays. pl. She added, that interest in excursions on winter ferencies is this year very high.

German noted that in the case of Egypt, tourists from Poland choose three regions – Hurghada, which is the most popular direction and Mars Alam and Sarm el-Sheikh. In Spain the popular outside the Canary Islands in the winter season is Andalusia in the south of the country.

Most trips per week

According to company data, they promote trips on seven days – on trips of that length were decided by 67 percent. travelers. Another 18 percent of people choose exits of a length of 8-13 days, a 12 percent shorter than six days. Most travelers from Poland decided to flight from Chopin airport in Warsaw and port in Katowice. Further there are Poznan, Gdansk, Wroclaw, Cracow, Rzeszów and Gielona Góra.

“In the context of this year’s winter fest very clearly there is a trend to purchase excursions with much in advance. Customers know that the earlier they book the better prices they obtain. By ordering a trip for some months before the date of starting they also have a much wider choice than in the last minute, a this allows to also find offers with the best price to quality ratio,” – German said.

As reported by from the PPAP Deniz Rymkiewicz from internet travel bureau eSky. en, from data of the company it appears, that the most popular in the period of this year’s winter ferien trips to Spain and to Malta. To each of these countries selects after 25 proc. travelers in the offer offer office.In the first five ranked also Cyprus, which had 15 proc. travelers, Greece with results 13 proc. and Portugal and Italy – respectively 12 and 10 proc.

“In the period of this year’s winter fest trips, which organized in the formula flight plus hotel will last for at least six nights. Such longer travels account for 70 percent of all bookings with flight early 20 January and return late 2 March. Simultaneously on short city breaks that last until four night will select the appropriate every third person reserving tours on eSky. en” – said PAP Rymkiewicz.

He added, that among travelers to Spain most people go to the city Benidorm on the eastern coast, Seville and to the island Gran Canaria. In the Malta these are the cities Qawra and Mellieha, a on Cyprus – Pafos and Chlorakas. In Greece these are mainly Athens, in Portugal – Madera and Lisbon, a in Italy most people go to Venice.

From data eSky. pl also shows that in thecaseoftripsinthe”Flight+Hotel”onwhatatleastfivenightsthemostpopulariswithMalta,Cyprus,Spain,PortugalandItaly.Fromrailforshort trips,that isthe so-calledcity.citybreaksinthefirstfiverankedotherItaly,Malta,Spain,CyprusandFrance.



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