Modern technologies are changing many areas of our life , including how we take care of our home security. While in the past only signalling or physical locks were used for security,Today, smart security systems provide a new level of the ability to monitor and manage home security from any place in the world. These advanced technologies are becoming more popular because they do not only provide the maximum security but are and are convenient for use everyday.
How do smart security systems differ from traditional systems?
Traditional security systems are mostly limited to signalling and mechanical protection. Such systems are not adapted for monitoring remotely and therefore, when the signalling has been triggered, the owner can know about an incident only after fact.
Smart security systems – are more than signalling. They combine advanced technologies to ensure not only security, but and convenience:
Smart Security Systems Functionality
Smart Video Cameras.
Modern cameras have other high definition, motion recognition and the ability to automatically record image material. Some of these have artificial intelligence functions that allow the to distinguish man from animal and thereby avoiding misleading signals.
Movement sensors.
The sensors detect any motion and smart systems are able to report unwanted activity. This allows real time information about the pests and the number of required actions.
Connecting to the Surveillance and Management centre.
One of the main advantages of smart systems is the option to connect them to the security service professional monitoring and management centre.”>For example, “Executive Office” operators monitor 24 hours per day the home security systems and the failure of the security system,The immediately sends an emergency reaction notification or informs the owner.
Smart Security Systems can be controlled by Mobile Applications. This is an excellent way to remotely activate or deactivate the security system, receive notifications, actuations or view the camera image if they are installed on a security facility. This provides the opportunity to be near your home even when you are thousands of km away.
Smart security systemsarenotjustanadvanced,butaneffectivewaytoensurethesecurityofyourhome.Thesetechnologiesallowrealtimeobservationofwhatishappeninginyourenvironment,theconnectionoftheSafetyServiceofSurveillanceandManagementCentreguaranteesafastreactiontocalls.