
Slower quarterly and faster annual GDP growth in Lithuania and EU (

Lietuvoje ir ES lėtesnis ketvirčio ir spartesnis metinis BVP augimas (

Today the release of the preliminary Eurostat information has revealed that our country and the European Union has recorded a slower quarterly and a accelerated yearly economic growth. Meanwhile the euro zone GDP decline indicators were worse than expected.

Lithuania’s quarterly economic growth over the previous quarter fell from 1.2 percent to 0.9 percent, while annual accelerated from 2.4 to 3.6 percent. In the European Union the reportedly decelerated to 0.4 to 0.1 percent as well as accelerated to 1.1 percent.

In the euro zone per quarter the general medium product did not fall (expected 0.1 percent increase), when through the quarter it increased 0.4 percent. Annual growth remained the same at 0.9 percent, while it was forecasted to increase by one percent.

Germany’s economy declined by 0 during the quarter.2 percent, or double more than predicted, when the quarter before this increased by 0.1 percent. The budgetary decline declined from 0.3 to 0.2 percent, which is expected when GDP will not fall. France’s economy declined throughout the quarter while the economy also declined that is. declined by 0.1 percent, while quarter-on-quarter it increased by 0.4 percent. Annual growth decreased from 1.2 to 0.7 percent.

In the meantime the stability of Spanish and Italian cases has been fixed , i.e.The annual change in the general medium product quarter remained the same as it was and in the third quarter wasandreachedcorrespondingly0.8and0percentand3.5and0.5percent.

Asmentioned,thisisonlypreliminaryinformationaboutwhichmorecompletedata will be published byEUROSTATinmidFebruary.

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