Slightly increased pigs
In the last year in the European Union there were increased numbers of pigs. According to the latest data from the Statistical Union (Eurostat) in the period from January to October 2024 years to the slaughter of 1.2 proc. more pigs than in the analogous period of the previous year. In relation to volume production deliveries increased by 2.4 percent.
More slaughtered pigs in Europe Central and Eastern
The number of slaughtered pigs has increased particularly strongly in Central and Eastern Europe. In Romania the increase was 7.4 percent, in Hungary 6.9 proc. In Czech Republic, Croatia and Poland about 6.0-6.5 proc. In the case of Germany and Spain, the two largest producing countries there was an increase of 1.4 percent, respectively. and 1.0 percent while in Denmark the number of slaughtered animals declined by 4.1 percent, a in Holland by 5.3 perc.
Exports of pork decreased only significantly
Thus exports of pork from the EU after a steady and significant decrease after the record year 2020 of almost 6,4 million to 4.25 million ton in 2023 year., stabilized in 2024 year. In the past year, to September including, exports of pork to third countries amounted to 3.16 million tons sold, which is a decrease by 0.5 percent. in comparison with the analogous period of the last year.
The largest customers were China and Great Britain, which purchased 830 000
and 629 000 ton, respectively. In the record year 2020 the Chinese People’s Republic imported from the EU over 3.3
million tons of pork.
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Germany slightly more than in the previous year
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Denmark: fewer slaughter pigs, more export pigs