Already for a long time there has been speaking aloud about this, that the excessive import of fertilizers from Russia and Belarus may contribute to the problems of our fertilizer industry, and even displacement of Polish producers from the market. Such situation is very dangerous for us, because it would impact on food security and dependence on third markets, this also would lead to an increase in prices of which
we wrote on farmer.pl in the test below.
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At the high threat of safety of farmers and consumers
Tariffs on fertilizers
Manufacturers of fertilizers for some months have been calling for action on this issue. Before all they are to introduce 30 proc. targets on ferrals from those directions. This was requested in the autumn of last year by countries such as Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
Now it appears that the KE is working on an sequential, 16. package of sanctions on Russia, which the Commission is to announce on the third anniversary of the attack on Ukraine, that is 24 February. As informs money.pl, the Commission is consulting with the authorities of member states among others. restrictions on imports of Russian aluminum, in this wire, pipes and foils and further restrictions on agricultural products imported from Russia, in this in fertilizers.
– From our information it appears, that the European Commission is preparing a proposal of progressive goals, which would be gradually increased, to stop attempts to take the market of ferries by Russian companies, stabilize prices and protect European (including Poland) producers
against unfair competition – informs Szymon Domagalski, Advisor for . Regulatory from the Polish Isba of the Chemical Industry, quoted by
As reported, the project to resolve is to be presented on January and February.
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Sanctions on import fertilizers from Russia and Belarus? KE wants to impose restrictions
Excessive import of fertilizers from Russia
We wrote about the record results of import fertilizers from Russia already on portal farmer.pl multiple times. Also warns about their on breaches of the Poland Isba Chemical Industry.
– PIPCh appeals to “introduce 30-40 proc. customs on fertilizers from Russia and Belarus, which would have the purpose of reducing the influx of low-cost products from the east.” The Chamber emphasizes, that at this moment in the European Union sanctions are still subject to the principle of unanimity, which means that each state in the veto may block them. It is different with customs, which as an instrument of trade policy the EU may be introduced in by majority voting (majority of ordinary or qualified). This also applies to so-called anti-dumping or progressive objectives to
protect the market from unfair competition. This is the same, the decision to introduce targets on Russian
and Belarusian ferries, does not must be related to unanimity of all member states
– precisesSzymonDomagalskionbreaksmoney.pl.
Iadds,thatPIPChsupportsthe introductionofbothsanctions,andprogressivegoalsonfertilizersfromRussiaandBelarus.