- The owner has a local gastronomic, which operates only in season. Received an invoice VAT for current usage of about 2800 £ for 2 months. However must pay “only” 2400 £ for November and December invoice, because for the surplus current produced with photovoltaics sold for a ridiculous 400 £.
- As presented on the invoice VAT energy distributed from photovoltaics to the grid amounted to a a 1100 kWh, a energy consumed from the distributor was only 404 kWh. Energy consumed only one industrial freezer. The gastronomic location has been closed after season and is not working.
- The entrepreneur wonders why for 1 kWh distributed to the grid from photovoltaics he receives only ok. 0.40 £, while in the case of consuming energy from the grid distributor pays as 6.91 £ per 1 kWh in tariff C.
- It is astonishing that the entrepreneur pays 17 fold more for electric energy purchased from distributor in comparison with the sale price of current from photovoltaics.
- Many commenters suspect manipulation and wonder what bills they are paying, when the local catering is working, or why the owner has not invested in storage energy. However everyone recognizes that prices of power are too expensive in Poland for enterprises.
An embittered entrepreneur does not hide hide disappointment with investment in photovoltaics
On facebook circulates a film with entrepreneur, who does not conceal his outrage and disappointment because of the failed investment in photovoltaics on the ground.
The entrepreneur does not understand, why despite large production of energy electric from panels photovoltaic he
must pay huge bills for current in tariff C exceeding 1200 £/month despite that his seasonal local gastronomic is not working and operates in it only one freezer?
Entrepreneur pays for current from network 17 times more than for current produced from photovoltaics
The owner of a gastronomic location showed gross bills, which he must pay for current. Despite investment in 2 rows of photovoltaic panels on land for 160 tys. £ per company must pay and more horrendous bills for electric energy.
The owner has a local catering establishment, which operates only in season. Received an invoice VAT for current usage of about 2,800 £ for 2 months. However must pay “only” 2400 £ for November and December invoice, because for aThe surplus current produced with photovoltaics sold for a ridiculous 400 £.
As presented on the invoice VAT energy distributed from photovoltaics to the grid amounted to a 1100 kWh, a energy consumed from the distributor was only 404 kWh. Energy consumed only one industrial fridge. The gastronomic location has closed after season and is not operating.
A trader wonders why for 1 kWh distributed to the grid from photovoltaics he receives only ok. 0.40 £, while in the case of consumption of energy from the grid distributor pays a aż 6.91 £ per 1 kWh in tariff C.
Amazing is, that the trader pays 17 fold more for electric energy purchased from distributor in comparison with the price of selling current from
Yes as you see, nothing but it pays to establish photovoltaic in Poland and pay gigantic
bills for current – ironically pity the entrepreneur.
From bills presented by the entrepreneur it appears,
that the new system net-billing, pays on the production of green electric energy and for distributing it to the distribution network.
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Internets heated to redness, a commentator witnessed the provocation
More and more uncertainties appear in respect to the published film about accounts of threat from photovoltaics. Many commenters point out that this film is lacking many key information on the consumption of electric energy in the period of work local catering (March-October).
As read in comments under the film:
it is not true, that “they are deceiving all Polish people”.
The surprised are only those who allow they to be surprised.
But to meritum:
Average price gross per kWh calculated from the whole invoice by consumption of energy activity. In situations, when consumption is marginal the amount consists mainly of fixed charges and transportation charges. And this is also in that.case – 80% of the fees, are the distribution fees. Why they are so high, we don’t know, because on the documents shown, there is not all the details accounted for.
It is sufficient, that for example the entrepreneur will have the power ordered at the level 40 kW and the fixed charges will be so high.
The problem here is not PV (although the price of installation also indicates something ), only incapable of reading contracts, invoices, etc. – emphasizes one of commenters.
Another owner confesses that companies are very heavily charged for energy electricity:
[….] with activity if you install 30
kWp then you must increase the power of the installation and there will
be charged constantly more. Example of me where I have 35kWp the
power fee for 2 months 1060zl and the pay network fixed 600zl that even if I have 0 usage that comes 1660. Add to that some trade quality and other component accounts that quietly comes out.
I have installations only for the company and will not tell how it is privately but agree that entrepreneurs find terrible on additional fees -. adds another of commenters.
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Another comment:
the guest thought, that he would establish PV and have “free current”. In the situation when the contract is on the company that is not enough to set up the installation. It is also important to match contractual parameters: power contractual, group tariff, whether there is no overrun for power reactive (here I assume, that there are such a large average amount per kWh) + contracts for sale and repurchase of energy. Here is a complete contract, so I also may be tempted to assume that has signed a regular contract with the tariff seller. Film typically
Another commenter stresses that this is manipulation and klickbyte:
the guest got an invoice projected for
usage, which he doesn’t have because he closed the pub for winter;did not submit this to Tauron (changeprogressofusage),thisiscertainthereisnosettlement invoice.Intheresultofsuchinvoicethenwillhavealargeoverpayment,whichwillreceivebysubmittingdispositionstoreturntheoverpayment.Otruthbillsforenergyareandcomplicatedandhigh,butthisismoreclickbytes.