According to the survey, more than quarter of the respondents who have loans are considering the possibility of refinancing them. With the amendments to the Law on credit related to real assets to come into force in February that is more explicit.
The results of the survey show that almost a fifth of the credit credit currently is taken by almost a five percentage of the (18 percent of countries.(13 %) of which eighth loan holders (13 percent) have refinanced their credit before .
Julius Ivaška , director of the Bank Urbo Bank Verslo Director , points out that of those who have housed a housed a loan almost half of the surveyed (45 % ) have a
Almost half of the loans-with 2 percent of the exceeding the interestmargin
According to the Data Survey , 36 percent of loan werein the Financedecreasein the in the Decrease. of housing loan recipients are signed to credit agreements with 2 -3 percent of large interest margin, 11 percent of – those with 3 percent of higher interest rate.
One tenth of housing loan holders generally do not know what the interest rate of the bank is in its agreement with.
In the past years the average bank loan rate has decreased by a small third: from 2.43 percent in 2022 to 1.6 percent at the present years.According to data from the Lithuanian bank (LB) , construction loans given at higher than those currently available make up a minor two thirds of total loans.Of the total loans in the last year at the end of November the constitution in Lithuania was issued at 13,09 billion euros.According to the LB July month estimates, refinancing all all construction loans issued in our country would generally result in savings of up to half a billion euros.
The exact savings potentially after the refinancing of a building loan will depend on the specific conditions of each lending loan : the its interest, its duration and its second. For example, refinancing a 20 year long loan of 100 thousand euros of size and
In October the Seimas of the Lithuanian Republic passed amendments to the law on credit related to real assets,Under which residents can more easily, faster and without additional costs to refinance their housing loans.
In the past, refinancing a housing loan meant that a person had only a few time to enter the bank, get various assessment documents and a cognition of the loan rate,The and the prepayment of a new contract were usually required to pay and an early repayment fee of a sometimes and a several percentages of the amount to be repaid. When the loan of 100 thousand euros was refinanced by which the administrative charges associated with the refinancing were exceeding one thousand euros.
Now that a person wanting to refinance his house loan would only have to apply to a new financial institution that must carry out the most part of the refinancing processes.The Bank granting the loan shall provide all required data to the bank refinancing the loan at no charge. It is unlikely that the population will not need to take care of the bank signatures and will not have to before the expenses in the refinancing .
People will not need to the bank refinancing the loan to submit a assessment of the new real asset – will be carried out by the new bank with their own funds. If the bank requests the bank to provide this assessment, then it will be obliged to indemnify the user of the costs related to that bank if the consumer is in a credit contract with it.
Būsto paskolos turėtojui taip pat nebereikės mokėti ir notarui už nekilnojamojo turto hipotekos patvirtinimą ir duomenų viešajam registrui perdavimą beiviešojoregistrotvarkytojuiužnekilnojamojoturtohipotekosįregistravimąviešajameregistreirišregistravimąišjo–užvisataisumokėstherefinancinginstitutionrefinancingtheloan.
According to thenewamendments to theLaw,Theoriginalproviderofabuildingloanmustprovidetothenewproviderofallrequiredinformationonthebuildinglendingwithin5workingdays.Afterreceivinganewoffer,theloanrecipientwillhave30calendardaystodecidewhetherthewantstorefinancetheloanonthetermsproposed byanewlender,orchangethetermsoftheexistingloancontractwiththeinitiallenderifthatlendermakessuchoffer.
It is true thatwhichactionswillbetakenbytheloanholderandthereafterwillbeobligedtocarryouthimself:for example,providethebankwiththemortgageagreementorthedocumentstobe completed,ifthisisnecessarytoassesstheborrower’scontribution.Therefinancingofhishousingloanwillbeavailable totheborroweratmostononetimeduringthetwoyears.”