Less money for practices less
During a sitting of the Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development on d. 23.01.2025 year the issues of changes in ecoschemes in 2025 year were discussed. There were no themes of subsidies in the ecoscheme “Carbon agriculture and management of nutrients”, which with the passage of time are becoming in farmers’ view increasingly less attractive.
Remember, that in the new system of subsidies in the ecosystem “Coal Agriculture” has found premia, targeted to farmers, who farm with farm less. Directly to less farmers targeted practice “simplified systems of cultivation”. Some producers declared alternately implementing the practice “intercropping winter and seeding intercropping” -. implemented in practice often “at opportunities” for border cultivation on farms a one “more what” in point. Some decided to implement the practice of “mixing straw with soil” – lower scoring, but less requiring. When combining some of the above activities with practice the “differentiated structure of laws”, for which farmers usually be less and that are taken care of – that gave a favorable combination of points for practices beneficial for the soil and environment.
In the first year of functioning ecoschemes for “simplified cultivation systems” farmers received 4 points and subsidies in the amount of 419.56 £/ha. For “mixing straw with soil” you could earn 2 points and 209.78 zł/ha. “Intercrops winter and seedlings midcrops” were worth in 2023 years. 5 points and 524.45 £/ha, a “diversified structure crops” – 3 points and 314.67 £/ha.
Unfortunately in the year 2024 farmers were surprised by declines. The amount of subsidies for implementation of practice “simplified cultivation” was at then already only 251.94 £/ha, practices “mixing straw with soil” – 134.60 £/ha, a “diversified structure crops” – 225.01 £/ha. Disappointment also incurred the rate of payments for practice “intercropping winter and sowing intercrops”, which amounted 435.10 £/ha. Disappointment of farmers was compounded by the news of plans to reduce posts for practices: “simplified cultivation” with 4 points on 3, and “mixing straw with soil” with 2 points on 1.
As we know, unfavorable for farmers the changes in ecoschemes have been related primarily to the change of the euro rate and the large number of farmers, who have reached for the purpose of
the pool. In National Strategic Plan .it is written, that: “the final rate will be the result of the assumed amount for
practice and the area requested for support in a given year. Depending on interest in practice, the actual
rate may be lower or higher.”
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Schedule changes in popular practices ecoschem Coal agriculture
Farmers feel stuck on the land?
Farmers, gathered at the Sejm Committee of Agriculture and Rural Development on 23.01.2025 . they have not returned their comments on the injustice, which they believe has affected large groups of agricultural producers in the result of changes in ecoschemes. Of course – there are many farmers less regenerative, who practice less cultivation agriculture, sowing intercropping or crop rotation they have been implementing for years, from their own choice.
From the other side however, it is impossible to hide, that the introduction from 2023 year. subsidies to practices of coal farming have encouraged many “new” farmers, to begin the concern with cultivation of crops or to discontinue farming – that I guess was the purpose. At least for some of their implementation of new practices was related to investment. As referred to the representatives of farmers at the Commission meeting. cuts in payments for ecoscheme have posed questions about the sense of making additional expenditures for transition farming to part agriculture coal.
Andrzej Pauperowicz, representing the Association of Warmińsko-Mazurskie Agricultural Producers stated, that “farmers are trying to punish for this, that two years ago they all have put great work in that they have used the funds allocated for ecoschemicals.”
– We transformed our farms (….), we have purchased aggregates blessed, very expensive seeders for strip-till, and now we are trying to restrict – said Andrzej Pauperowicz.
– There was so much concern, whether farmers would use these ecoschemes. We have shown, thatWe and quickly can adapt, and today I have the impression, that we punish active farmers – those who adapted their
– Changes in ecoschemes, which are to be implemented, this is turning the whole system. Some farmers have changed the technology of production, purchased equipment, some took for credit under that the money to pay these credits will from ecoschemes – indicated a farmer from war. from Western Pomerania, Adam Stańczyk.
Deputy Minister Adam Nowak in his speech also raised issues related to changes in ecoschemistry “Agriculture carbon and management of nutrients”.
– It was necessary to make such changes, which were based on appropriate adjustment of measures to interest in the practices, considering the experience of implementing practices simplified systems and mixing straw with soil, that is primarily the large number of farmers implementing these practices, the large area, sure ease of implementation. Our proposal is to reduce the points of these practices by one point, from four points to three points with simplified systems of laws and with mixing straw with soil from two points to one point. Such as in all ecoschemes – the main criterion, which we took into consideration, was taking the dynamics of interest year to year, the necessity of reduction of individual settings for points in individual ecoschemes – explained Adam Nowak.
The deputy minister referred also to the statements of farmers on the costs of adapting the machinery park to implementation of the measures, promoted in
– We accept this argument, (…) that the farmers calculated and incurred costs, because we know, that a large part of those
survives, that are in frame ecoschemes implemented, require more input, more power tractor, specialized machinery and agricultural equipment, while we know
perfectly, that a large part of those machines were purchased earlier and ecoschemicals were not the only
motivation to modernize farms and purchase those machines. They were one of the motivations, but nottheonly-saidAdamNowak.