
Show judge: This cow could fight for the European Super Championship

Sędzia wystawy: Ta krowa mogłaby walczyć o europejski superczempionat

During the 23rd Regional Kuyavian-Pomeranian Livestock Exhibition, you could see the most beautiful animals from the region, among which the judge selected 25 outstanding females.

Top 25 cows and heifers from the exhibition in Minikowo

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Top 25 cows and heifers from the exhibition in Minikowo

This art could successfully participate in international exhibitions

As Dawid Wojno, the main judge of this year's Dairy Cattle Exhibition in Minikowo, emphasized, Polish cows represent a really high level, especially the winner of the Super Championship.

Let us remind you that the super champion among adult females was the cow Ładna 293 from the Dobrzyniewo Stud. Her father is the American bull Tatoo. The super-champion among cows produced over 10.7 thousand in her maximum lactation. kg of milk.

The Super Champion among adult females was the cow Ładna 293 from the Dobrzyniewo Stud, photo: A.T. The Super Champion among adult females was the cow Ładna 293 from the Dobrzyniewo Stud, photo: AT

– In the heifers there were pieces similar to each other, very even. In turn, art in the second lactation made a huge impression on me. I believe that if Poland presented it at a European championship, this art could successfully participate in such an exhibition, Wojno said.

Which cattle characteristics are most important to evaluate? Which should be improved?

The judge emphasized that in the entire assessment, the udder constitutes approximately 40 percent.

– In cows, we pay attention primarily to the udder. It constitutes approximately 40 percent. throughout the assessment. In turn, when it comes to heifers, we pay a lot of attention to the legs and the body, he noted.

When asked about the scope in which Polish breeders are weakest, Wojno pointed to the quality of the legs. He rated the features related to the udder the best.

– In Poland, we still need to work on the quality of the legs of our animals – Wojno pointed out. – In turn, our udders are already at a high level – he added.

According to our interlocutor, in the future of Polish cattle breeding, greater emphasis will be placed on health and longevity.

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