
Shortage occupations in 2025 year. Managers can choose from offers

Deficytowe zawody w 2025 r. Magazynierzy mogą wybierać wśród ofert

Drivers bus drivers, doctors, managers or construction workers -. these are only some of the most deficit occupations in Poland according to the annual prognosis of the Ministry of Labor Barometer of occupations for 2025 year.

“Barometer of jobs” is a nationwide survey, which has been prepared every year;year presents the Voivodship Office of Labor in

As reads in the latest report, the largest deficit, projected in the whole country, both at county and provincial levels, appears in a

group of professions related to use physical power – among these are many.Among deckers,

drivers,  maintenance workers, mechanics, assemblers, operators of equipment for earth-moving work, construction workers and


Lack employees this is the plight of large companies

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Lack of workers is a survival for years and every year experts indicate almost 1:1 these same occupations – half of these are for physical workers with qualifications. The shortage of such candidates for work is due to the fact that candidates do not respond to work conditions. Into this comes the physically burdensome character of work, often working in difficult and changing atmospheric conditions, long hours of work, in the case of drivers also delegations, and also high satisfactory level of pay. Also in most professions the candidate to work should have professional experience, should show qualifications and skills. Recruiting such employee for at least some years has become as difficult as finding a high class specialist – comments Yuriy Grygorenko, head analyst Gremi Personal, international agency employment. 

Also, as every year in theThe list of most deficit occupations specialized for all provinces found doctors, teachers, caregivers of dependents, nurses and midwives, employees of accounting and accounting and uniformed services. 

Qualified personnel also needed

The shortage of highly qualified personnel meaning the second half of deficit occupations requiring studies and long tenure also is no surprise to us , because every year for some years we enter the period so-called winter . winter demographic – more people are retiring, than graduates are entering the employment market, at which such graduates are not able to replace for such as surgeon . surgeon with 25 years of work. There is an exit for working migrants, but they are harder to bring, not only because of long procedures, but also because that the wages and conditions of

work and living in Poland are not as attractive as in e.g. in Europe. in Western Europe .

The only way out of the deficit situation is opening the labor market to labor migration

in wider, than to date in the range, which is carried by risks, as indicated by directional documents of the government Migration Strategy being prepared.

Jobs not only for young - future poses challenges



Thisfirstrequiresimplementationofmulticulturalmanagement(promotinginclusiveness,equalityandtolerance),inthataddchannelsofcommunicationtouseintheplaceofworkinmultiplelanguagesor,asthisisoften donebylargeinternationalcompanies,willtransfertothelanguageEnglish.- addsGrygorenko.



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