Observation of behavior close to 1.5 million void consumers in 710 centers and galleries shopping shows, that in 2024 year the traffic in this type of facilities dropped by 3.5% in comparison with 2023 year. From the count of avoidable customers decreased by 3% year.
As follows from the cyclical report, issued by technology company Proxi.cloud, in 2024 year traffic (footfall) in centers and galleries trade declined by 3.5% in comparison with 2023 year. Surveillance covered 1.5 million customers in 710 of this type of facilities. In contrast, no analysis was made of turnover of trade locations, which are not dependent on density of traffic or number of customers.
– The decline in galleries and centers is not significant, so there should be discernible for trade. This phenomenon can in a large part be explained by changing shopping habits of part society, for example. the use of platforms e-commerce. Other potential factors may include the decline of consumption or the development of assortment of discounters and large scale stores networks – comments Matthew Nowak, one of the co-authors of the report from Proxi.cloud.
Impacts sport and their translation in the movement in shops
In the public space there are information, that in 2024 year the Soccer Europe Championship (from 14 June to 14 July ub.year), a in the lower level Summer Olympic Games (from 26 July to 11 August ub.) could attract a lot of consumers to in the above facilities commercial. From data collected in the report it appears, that the first of
those sporting events may have contributed to a short-term growth in galleries and centers of trade. In June the
tournament has followed the match of the representation of Poland.
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– In July and August there were declines in traffic. We don’t see therefore the prerequisites for this, to state that.The Olympic Games positively have transferred into footfall at the facilities. However it is difficult to assess, how it would have looked, if no organization had been held where. events sport – adds Matthew Choluj, the other of the co-authors of the report from Proxi.cloud.
2024 year – how frequently did visit commercial centers?
Looking at more detailed data, it can be seen, that in 2024 year footfall in centers and galleries trade increased rdr. in four provinces. This is in the Mazovian – 5.5% on plus, the Swiętokrzyskie – 5.3%, the Polish – 2.5%, and also the Lodz – 1.3%. From the county declines rdr. were recorded in twelve voivodes. At this the largest of these are the Warmińsko-Mazurskie – 9.6% on minus, the Lubelskie – 8.9%, as also the Podkarpackie – 8.6%.
– Variation of footfall dynamics year/year in provinces has many factors, the impact of which has not been checked in this concrete analysis. More however it may be expected, that the importance is differentiated social-economic situation in part of the country. Also there must be remembered about random factors, and therefore about possible reconstruction of parts of those commercial facilities. Such data may also be influenced by different tempo of expansion of the network discounters in particular regions – analyzes Matthew Nowak.
From the report we also know that in 2024 year the number of avoidable customers (unique shoppers) in centers and galleries has declined by 3,1% in compared with 2023
year. In the opinion of the authors of the study, this is not a significant change, such as
in footfall.
– Some customers may have refrained from going to galleries commercial because
of popularization of e-commerce services. The willing are able to order many products with delivery. From the other persons could suddenly find themselves in a worse position in material terms, that’s why they dropped from visiting such shopping places in that period – emphasizes Matthew Nowak.
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In last year the number of avoidableCustomers increased rd in two voivodes, that is, in Mazovian – by 0.3%, and also in Poland – by 0.1%. These were therefore minimal changes. On the other hand, fourteen voivodes recorded declines rds in this area. The largest of these are Warmińsko-Mazurskie – by 7.8%, Lubelskie – by 6.5%, as also Podlaskie – by 5.3%.
– Similarly as in the movement, the difference in dynamics of decline of avoidable customers between provinces may depend on some factors. I have on my thoughts , among others. the socio-economic situation, events random, but also the unbalanced expansion of other trade networks – states Matthew Choluj.
As follows from report, in last year the monthly average number of visits to galleries per one consumer was 3.2. This is exactly the same as in 2023 year.
– Data this is confirmation of the unchanging shopping habits of customers, who further visit this type of facilities. On the other hand, such frequency of visits may mean, that People supply with most products of daily use in other types of shops. Such purchases are made for example at discounters or use of e-commerce -services – explains Matthew Nowak.
According to analysis, rd. shortened the average visit at in commercial facilities – by 34 seconds (2024 year – 47:24, 2023 year – 47:58). The year to year has also reduced the average total time staying in this type of placements – by less than 1.5 minutes (2024 year – 2:32:28,2023rok–2:33:52).
-Annualchangesinaveragetimeofvisitandaveragetotalstayatw.facilitiesaresignificantandshouldnotbeperceptibletomanagersofthistypeof facilities.This showsthatthehabitsofcustomers,whocontinuetoattendsuchfacilities,reallyremainunchanged.We havesignalsfromthemarket,thattheaveragebasketvaluesformanystoresingalleriesareincreasingandgenerallythe numberofvisitstosuchfacilitiesisdecreasing.Howeverthesevisitsareoftenmorecaloricfortheplaces themselves,becausetheyendwithmorepurchases-summarizesMatthewCholujfromProxi.cloud