Main owner of the coffee chain Shokoladnitsa Alexander Kolobov has removed from founders of the company for production of buns for hot dogs and burgers United buns, writes “Kommersant”. Presumably, the business worth 2.5 billion rubles was partially transferred to entities linked to the Tavros agricultural holding company.
According to data from Unified State Register of Legal Entities, restaurateur Alexander Kolobov has removed from the number of founders of Gipfel LLC, where he previously owned 90%. In present today the founders of the company are AO “Winner” (share in authorized capital 33%), JSC “Liniya success” (33%), JSC “Step forward” (33%) and Andrei Shutilin (1%).
Gipfel LLC was created in January 2017 year. The company produces buns for burgers and hot dogs under the brand United buns, its facilities are located on the territory of the Moscow city Podolsk. Alexander Kolobov invested in this business in 2021 year, wanting to localize production of buns for the Burger King restaurants in Russia.
Revenue of Gipfel for
Shokoladnitsa opened the first restoran-gastromarket Eazzy
Rospotrebnadzor discovered multiple violations in two cafes of theShokoladnitsa chain