It is surprising, but European banks are appealing to their customers, to go to bankers to get money and at home to keep cash for black hours. This is about the threat of cyberattacks, which in 2025 year may take on
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Cash on black hours? Appeal of banks
This is an astonishing appeal. As reported by portal telepolis.pl. a reference to this on directmoney.pl, a such appeal was applied in Holland and Sweden.
What causes the most concern? Yes called energy blackouts. Use of bank and terminals for payment becomes then impossible. In such situation the only rescue is cash.
Although increased sensitivity affects the Holland and Sweden, this one however – as indicates telepolis.pl.-. also and in Poland it is necessary to be prepared for this type of threat and for any accident to have at home cash and this is best in some currencies.
How much cash per black hour?
According to recommendations of experts from Holland it is good to have in cash 200-500 euros. From the Cole Swedes recommend 170 euro. This is estimates the value of weekly expenses for basic needs.
How much money per black hour should be
set aside in Poland? It is said that the weekly expenses will cover the amount of 500-1000 zlotys and that is worth
having in the read on breaks telepolis.pl.