
Sex shop in place of a children’s toys store: the sector of trade in Ida-Virumaa is onthethresholdofchange

Секс-шоп вместо магазина детских игрушек: сфера торговли в Ида-Вирумаа стоит на пороге перемен

The well-known network selling used clothing Humana, is leaving Ida-Viru County. She had operated in the region for 11 years, but economic indicators and the situation have crossed their activities in Narva and Jõhvi. Tem not the least, experts calm: this is not

the beginning of a new crisis of retail trade. Shopping centers of Narva have lost

much with the beginning of the war, but no empty windows are seen here</WS> yet.”> The shopping centers of Narva have lost a lot with the beginning of the war, but the empty windows are not</WS> seen here  yet. Photo: Alexei Ivanov</p>
<p>The well-known chain that sells used clothes Humana, is leaving Ida-Virumaa. She had operated in the region for 11 years, but economic indicators and the situation</p>
<p>have crossed their activities in Narva and Jõhvi. Tem not nevertheless,  experts calm:  this is not the beginning of a new crisis of retail trade.</p>
<p align=Narva’s Humana store was opened in March 2011 year. It became popular immediately, has moved few times and last few years has been located in the Astri shopping center. But the presence of the network in Narva is already resolved. The store will be closed in the last numbers of April. Five people in thebordercityandsixinJõhvi will be affected.

“The reasonfor theclosureofstoreswasfinancialindicators.”There are no plansto openstoresinotherlocationsinthesecitiesfortoday,” was thelaconicresponseofHumanainformation specialistMarie-HeleneCaber.”


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