The alcoholic cocktail with the name “Chamère” was intended to be a tribute to French lifestyle, but quickly became the subject of controversy. What was the reason for withdrawing the product famous from the series “Emily in Paris” and how regulation influenced this decision?
The cocktail of the name “Chamère” was intended to be a tribute to French style living, but quickly became the subject of controversy. What was the reason for withdrawal and how the regulations in France affected this decision?
“Chamère” – the serial cocktail, which was to conquer the market
“Chamère” is a ready to consume alcoholic cocktail, being a variation on the classic French drink Kir Royale. The combination of music wine with cream from black currant was promoted as a modern version of traditional French aperitif.
“Chamère” debuted as a fictional product in the series “Emily in Paris”, a thanks to the collaboration Quintessential Brands Group and platform Netflix took into
the real world.
The alcoholic beverage quickly gained popularity, especially among fans of the series, who wanted to feel like heroes
of the production.
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Why beer was withdrawn?
Products of the brand “Chamère” have taken to shelves of Carrefour stores, however their debut in the French market has caused a strong reaction by Addictions France, an organization focused on the prevention of addiction.
The association argued, that promotion of this product infringes the Évin law, which requires advertising of alcohol in France. According to this law promotion of alcohol must be limited to present objective information, such as composition, origin or flavor features.
In the case of “Chamère” the advertisement strongly referred to the serial and the popular character Emily, which according to
the court “exceeded the permitted frames” and had the purpose first to
encourage consumers to purchase.
Chamère” withdrawn from shops. Serial cocktail broke French
law phot. mat. press
The product was withdrawn on 18 December 2024 year, a Carrefour was punished with a fine in
the amount of 8000 euros, of which 5000 euro was awarded to the organization Addictions France as compensation for
“damages moral”.
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Law Évin – strict regulations for advertising alcohol
French law Évin, introduced in 1991 year, is one of the most restrictive in the world, when it comes to promotion of alcohol. It was established with the purpose of protecting public health and reducing the impact of advertising on consumption, especially among youth.
In practice this means that:
- Alcohol advertisements must be limited to information about the product, such as composition
and region of production.
- It is not allowed to use vision of persons or fictional posts to promote alcohol.
- Prohibited
are any allusions suggesting, that the consumption of alcohol is related to attractiveness, success or style of living.
In the case of “Chamère” the association with the series “Emily in Paris” has been considered to promote alcohol by associating with fiction, attractive world presented in the series.
Carrefour,whichadmittedtoaerrorandwithdrewtheproductfromshelves,butthedecisionoftheFrenchcourtisanimportantsignalforproducersanddistributorsofalcohol.Collaborationwithpopularbrandsandseriesmayberisk,ifpromotionviolatesstrictregulationslegally. .Consequencesfortheindustry.Commercial