As follows from the inspection, the charges for assessment of seed material have not been updated since 2014 , despite that only in the period covered the average level of commodities and consumer services had increased by 25 percent. It was reported also, that the Head Inspector of Plant Protection and Agriculture had not taken effective action to update the amount of those
charges, despite that the regulation that regulates has been revised several times.
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directions of import were: China, India, Ukraine, U.S.A., Belarus and Russian Federation
How does the State Inspection of Plant Protection work?
It has been reported, that existing since 2002 . State Inspection of Plant Protection and Seed implements tasks related to application of measures to protect plants, monitoring and fighting against pests and sodomy.
It was explained, that the purpose of the above inspection was to examine whether the PiORN supervision of production and rotation of seed material of agricultural plants was correct and reliable. The audit covered the activities of the General Inspector of Plant Protection and National in Warsaw and five provincial inspectorates in the period from 1 January 2019 year. to 30 June 2023 year
Settings of control NIK
– to 31 December 2020 year. the organizational structure of the Head Inspectorate of Plant Protection and Nutrition was adapted to implementation of tasks related to supervision of production and rotation of seed material of agricultural plants. 1 January 2021 year. there has been an amendment to the law on seed, which transferred to the General Inspector (in the place of provincial inspectorates of plant and seed protection) the responsibility of performing tasks concerning evaluation of seed material, conduct training, supervise the operation of official and accredited laboratories. However it was only after 18 months from the entry into the enactment of this legislation that the independent position for coordination of evaluation of seed material was created. The Chief Inspector didn’t report theThe reasons for this delay. In the Commissioner’s assessment the unpreparedness of the organizational structure of GGIORiN to the new legal state has affected the quality of performed supervision over the production and trading of seed plants – we read in the report.
As reported, finally the Chief Inspector established guidelines for supervision of production and rotation of seed material. In the framework of supervision over the work of accredited and official laboratories the organizational units of GIORiN conducted control laboratory assessment of seed material of agricultural plants, in the result of which found significant errors in the performance of this assessment. The Chief Inspector enforced the obligation for accredited laboratories to submit complete documentation and conducted training for qualifiers and testers, in resulting in issued 58 certificates confirming knowledge of nature.
– One of the major irregularities detected by NIK was the low fees for evaluation of seed material. These fees from December 2014 year. until December 2023 . remained at the same level, despite that only in the controlled period the average level of commodities and services consumption increased by 25 percent. GIORiN informed the Minister of Agriculture and Development of the necessity of changing the regulations on the level of fees, but there has been no consequences, and the Chief Inspector has not taken further steps in to update the price list. The failure to update the price has affected the reduction of revenue in the state budget. The audit also demonstrated the delay of provincial inspectors in enforcing the due for performance of laboratory analysis of seed material – reported in the communiqué NIK.
This is not the end.
– Supervision of provincial inspectorates over production and rotation of seed material of agricultural plants was insufficient. Of 341 cases involved in inspection at WIORiN in 17 cases (about 5 percent) found irregularities. They consisted of: inadequate production of reports of the inspection
of the work of the office qualifier, conducting cases about conducting a field evaluation
of seed material based on incompletely filled applications, lack of inspection of
the work official sampler. It was also determined that part of accounts from conducting evaluations of seed were issued with irregularities. There were also cases of issuance of labels and official seeds before.payment of the fee and cases of no decision to prohibit trading, order to remove or subject the party sowing material to treatments preventing its use, when the material did not respond to requirements in quality or production, assessment and storage or trading of this material – is reported by the Supreme Board of Inspection.
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What checks PIORiN during inspections?
NIK has determined the conclusions
As reported, in relation to the results of the inspection, as also considering the role of the
State Inspection of Plant Protection and Food implementing tasks resulting from the policy of the
- takeactionsindirectiontochangetheregulationsofMinistryofAgricultureandDevelopmentofVillagesinthe matteroffeesrelatedtovaluationofseed materialintherangeofthevaluesofestablishedratesofthosefees;
- consideraskingtheconductofresearchworkbysupervisedunitsforthepurposeofanalyzingtheimpactofperformedsupervisionontheproductionandtradingofseed materialofagriculturalplantsonthequalityofthismaterialinputintoeconomictrading.