In the run-up to Saint Valentine’s Day the Sokolov jewelry brand Sokolov and the online recruiting platform hh.ru have conducted research to find out what amounts of males are prepared to spend on jewelry ornaments for their loved ones, and also in what regions Russia are the most generous. It turned out that the most part of wages on jewelry for the loved women are spent by men in Kaliningrad, and the smallest – in Omsk.
Analysts compared median values of suggested salaries from vacancies on hh.ru and spending of men on women’s decorations in different cities of Russia on based on average check in stores of Sokolov network and found out which regions are the most generous. According to the research, the leader is Kaliningrad – men from Men from Omsk In the research analysts also compared the salaries of specialists from different professional spheres with spending on women’s decorations. It turned out that the largest part of the part of the payment of the salary on gifts to the loved women was spent by operators call centers (26.2%), actors (24.9%) and security (24.6%). Scientists professionals, waiters and lawyers spend 19% of their women on jewelry 19% of their wages. Police and designers by 16.7%, and architects – 11.7%. The Ten close were installers with spending in 10%. The most insignificant spending on jewelry was with IT workers: DevOps engineers spend 4.7% of jewelry 4.7% of their wages, and data-scientists and system analysts – at 5% and 6.5% respectively. According to Sokolov, men have become more active in buying female jewelry in retail stores: For