Police from the Department for combat with economic crime of the Provincial Police in Katowice have completed the supervised by Silesian Department of the Department for duties. Organized Crime and Corruption Prosecution of the National Prosecution, in the activity of a company involving production of oil. The perpetrators, using tax regulations, falsified documentation, evading the payment of excise tax and VAT. They also deceived customers, selling oil, serving in casting processes, as fuel. With their action they caused a tax loss to the State Treasury, encompassing 113.5 million zlotys.
As informs the Silesian Police, the perpetrators in the years 2015-2016, using the activity of a self-controlled company operating in the territory of Silesian province and some foreign companies, from components imported from the territory of the European Union produced mold oil, used in casting processes. The finished product was sold to
self controlled companies in Germany. In according to tax regulations, in this case they were exempt from paying
excise tax and VAT.
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Winter oil – not only only low temperatures
In reality however only customer foreign, shown in trading documentation, has not conducted activities related to trading of such goods. It turned out that the produced oil was leaving the territory of Poland only for the purpose of crediting transactions, after which it returned with fictional documentation and was introduced in transaction in Poland. However no longer as formula oil, only full oil… propulsion.
As determined by investigators, by their action the perpetrators caused a disadvantage to the State Treasury in excise tax in the amount of 88,5 million gold, a in VAT tax on 25 million gold.
The investigators of the case have collected evidence, allowing a target by the Silesian Department of department for the crime . Organized Crime and Corruption National Prosecutor’s Office to the Court of District in Katowice for actualaccusations. It covered on in a total of 14 suspects of age from 38 to 63 years, who have been charged with a total of 25 crimes, concerning acting in an organized criminal group, fraud and “laundering dirty money”. For one of the perpetrators a temporary arrest was used, and for the other measures of revoluntary nature.
Investigators also secured for future punishments and fines the assets of suspects in the amount of over 3.5
million gold.
– Considering the fact, that the defendants have made their permanent source of income,theyarethreatenedwithpunishmentofup to15yearsof imprisonment-is statedinthecommuniqué.