In the full-scale war, companies from different segments of retail began to build or buy their own warehouses and build their logistics for themselves. RAU has selected a few exemplary cases.
Eva develops logistics for e–commerce
Recently the line of stores Eva – the leader of the Ukrainian drogerie-segment – reported, that it is considering the possibility of acquiring a logistics complex under Kiev from investment company Dragon Capital Tomasz Fiala. The matter is about the warehouse complex with an area of 19 000 sq. m in Brovary, on Obyezdnaya road, 8. This is one of the assets of the logistic operator UVC, transferred to the ownership of PJSC Alfa-Bank and sold in 2017 year to structures controlled by Dragon Capital.
“LLC “Rush” in the framework of implementation of the strategy of development of the company considers the potential acquisition of corporate rights of GP “SK Omega- Capital”
.1 Logistics” for further development of its operational activities”, – said in the report. With this objective the company applied to the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine and received permission to implement the concentration. But the final decision on the purchase has not been made and will depend on the results of the further analysis of all aspects of a potentially possible agreement.
The owner of Eva Ruslan Shostak has been actively developing the logistic direction.Lviv continues construction of an additional warehouse for 9000 sq. m nbsp;existing, because the company in future plans to develop the direction of electronic commerce, in that includes expanding the assortment from 140 000 SKU to 180 000 SKU. The capacity of the available premises about 7500 sq. m (competent organization space with use mezonins and high-altitude storage systems allowed to increase total useful area to more than 15 15 000 sqm. m) allow to store about 150 000 SKU. This Lviv warehouse was opened in 2021 year, which helped in the first year of the full-scale invasion, when the depot in Brovary was determined for a time could not function.
Reminder, the retailer has three warehouses that process online orders (in Lviv, Brovary and Dnipro). All they are next door to warehouses, supplying goods to stores networks. Separate warehouses for e-commerce appeared in the company after the launch of its internet store Eva.ua in November 2017 year. Because the fulfillment of internet orders requires a different approach, each order needs to be packaged and shipped to an individual customer.
The needs of the retail network are met by five distribution centers in Brovary, Dnipro, Lviv, Odessa and Kharkov. At the state of the beginning of 2025 year total area of warehouse complexes Eva was 120 000 sq. m.
Logistic Hub Terwin
Besides increasing efficiency of Eva network by developing and modernizing warehouse capacity Corp.Terwin owner Eva Ruslan Shostak will also realize a scale project WinHub. He suggests the construction of innovative logistics hubs for 1 million sq. m of warehouse premises class A in four regions of Ukraine (Odessa, Lviv, Dnepropetrovsk, Kiev) with total investments over $700 mil.
So, in 2023 year after a pause the project of the construction logistic hub in Odessa by 200 000 sq. m by 60 ha. The area of the first order will must make more than 20 000 sq. m. This is not just storage facilities, but an entire ecosystem, including parking lots, hotels, hostels, refueling and repair stations and other opportunities, so that logistics operators can focus on running their business, and the hub owner would close all current issues.
Half of the building space will be leased by Eva and Varus, the rest by Ukrainian and Western companies. According to Says Ruslan Shostak, annually planned to produce 150 000 – 200 000 000 sq. m of warehouses per year. The Hub design is based on the principles of energy efficiency, environmentality and the design of the Hub is based.ergonomics.
Warehouses for distribution Afina Group
Another one company, which is controlled by Ruslan Shostak and Valeriy Kiptic – Afina Group – opened in January 2025 a branch and a modern logistics center in Lvov Class A, expanding the opportunities to serve clients in the Western region. This is the continuation of the development of the company, which in 20 years of work in the market has turned from local distributor to operator of the market of Ukraine in distribution directions, logistics and manufacturer of its own trade brands in categories of household chemicals, hygiene and care (Vuhastik, iFresh, Family Home and others).). The new Warehouse provides a full spectrum of logistics services, including transportation, storage, fulfillment, cross-docking, inventory management and export-import operations. Logistic infrastructure of the company already includes over 50 50 000 sq. m of warehouse premises across Ukraine. Company serves key national and local trade networks through its own branched branching branching network and distribution logistic centers. Central office is in Dnipro.
Big Buy Aurora
In August 2024 year AMCU authorized Ownership “Vypodnaya purchase”, which is the operator of the Aurora multimarket chain, to acquireproperty complex, previously owned by West Gate Logistics LLC of Dragon Capital Tomasz Fiala group. After completion of the deal the biggest Ukrainian network format one one dollar store Aurora (co-founder Lev Zhidenko) became owner of the logistic complex West Gate Logistic under Kiev in the village Stoyanka.
This is one of the biggest warehouse complexes in the Metropolitan region of about 97 97 000 sq. m on the land plot 14,4 ha. Logistic Center class A A was built in 2008 year and consisted of two buildings, which contained offices, storage premises, refrigerated chambers and mezzanine premises. The complex almost completely destroyed by Russian warriors in 2022 and partially rebuilt (7400 sq. m of facade of the warehouse). Reconstruction of the warehouse is scheduled for February 2025 year, a full launch of innovative logistic complex – by the end of 2026 year, when the building will be restored on 90 90 000 sq. m.
Po words CEO Avrora Tarasa Panasenko, built first first order (about 45 000 sq. m) logistic complex plan to deliver into operation “approximately before the end of 2025 year”. Cumulatively to rebuild the totalThe complex needs more than 50 million euros. As said earlier
the general director of network Aurora, this object acquired because of suitable size and location, that in the future will allow faster and quality
to deliver goods to Kiev and its neighborhood. As a result Aurora will receive one of the biggest warehouse facilities in the Kiev region, which will allow to optimize logistical processes and support the future growth of the network.
Reminder, that in early May 2024 year Dragon Capital sold in a leased retailer a warehouse class A complex of 14 400 sq. m in Lviv (first order M10 Lviv Industrial Park). These steps respond to the general strategy of Aurora to expand and improve the logistical infrastructure, that is an important component of the successful operation of the company in conditions of the growth of the network and the entry into new markets. In the current time the network operates three distribution centers and two hubs.
Warehouse under Epicenter
Earlier in 2021 in the Epicenter K Alexander and Galina Gerega started to implement a long-term investment program, which included the construction of four logistical fulfillment centers.
Photo: First Podilsky
In the summer of 2024 year was launched the first first queuenew logistic center in Khmelnytskyi, which previously announced general director of Epicenter K Peter Mikhailishin. The first order of the complex is 57 000 sq. m, in future planned expansion to 80 000 sq. m. Here is already realized completely automated zone on 11 000 pallets, where robots move goods without using manual labor. An high-tech high-rise warehouse (27 m) with stacker-cranes (stackers) is planned in the second order of the complex costing about about $57 million. And it is the Khmelnitsky warehouse that will provide goods to the entire Western region of Ukraine, a that is 33 trading centers. How отметил концептуальный директор по развитию логистики Эпицентр К Юрий Яковлев, new warehouse is built exactly for the needs of Epicenter, which is significantly more convenient than universal premises that are usually built by developers. Before this retailer had three logistics complexes. The largest of them is the logistics center “Kalinovka”, with an area of 140 000 sq. m, which centralized provides 75% of supplies goods to trade centers networks. On its territory is placed customs terminal (17 000 sq. m) for transportation by automobile, and railroad transport. From 2019 year the centers of fullfilment at Ul. Polyarnaya, 20 in Kyiv (7000 sq. m) and at Vyskoznaya street. Viskoznaya, 4 4 total area 30 000 sq. m, which process online orders. Here is also applied automated control system and conveyor technology of processing cargoes by analogy of logistic warehouses of Amazon. The Company in the conditions of war is investing in the construction of new logistics complexes to achieve the ambitious objective to guarantee delivery to Ukraine in 24-48 hours. In May last year product retailer Novus launched in Kiev a logistic center with 18 temperature zones (from -30℃ to +24℃) total area 50 500 sq. m, the construction of which was begun as early as in 2019 year. The area of its own warehouse premises – 42 42 500 sq. m. It united all logistical operations of the company under one roof, increasing efficiency of work and reducing operational costs. The new logistics center replaces seven warehouse spaces that the network used previously. Owing to security considerations the address of the distribution center is not disclosed. For the construction of thecompanyin2020yeartookaloanfromEBRD.Novusplanned to invest the amount of$100milliontointheconstructionofawarehouse,andalsodevelopandrenovatethenetworkofstores,inparticular,theBillastoresboughtthen. InbeginningofJuly2024yearomnichannelretailerelectronicsandhouseholdappliancesFoxtrot The newlocation,the exactaddresswhichis notdisclosed,allowedtoexpandthestoragecapacityfrom22000to28000sq.mwiththe ability toadjusttheirvolumeinaccordancewiththeseasonalityandvolumeofcommodity.Previouslytheretailerhadtorentsomedeterminedperiodsofyearofadditionalpartnerspacetoensurethesupplyandshippingofcommodities. It should be noted,in the fall of2022thetechno-retailerlauncheda newcentralwarehouseunderKiev(c.Kolonshchina)in place of thedestroyedinHostomel.Hisareawas22000sq.m,whichallowedthecompletelyrestorethesystemicoperationoftheretailerinthepartofsupplyinggoodstostoresandperformingcustomerdelivery.One Novus Logistics Center in place of seven warehouses