In the first month of this year the average price of electricity in Lithuania at the biz was lower neither for a group nor in particular it declined in equivalence to the price in the previous year, when the cold winter has increased its demand.
The average electricity price in our country in the country was 8,303 euro cents per kilowatt-hour. Compared with the previous year at the last period, it has fallen by more than twenty nine percent and equal to the gross year, electricity was up about eight percent.
A similar situation with average electricity prices in the countries of Scandinavia was and it was this that led to the its buying in Lithuania.
On tomorrow the average price of electricity in our country as well as in East and Estonia as in Latvia is 11,146 euro cents per kilowatt-hour, or about six percent less than today.
As usual, the cheapest electricity on Saturday will be in Scandinavia, i.e.In Finland the kilowatt-hour price will be only slightly more than one eurocent, in Sweden-from5.534 eurocent, andandinNorwaythe itwillhavetoreach9.022euroscents.TheSwisscountrieswillpaythelowestamongEuropeancountriesforelectricity(14,TheSwisscountriesandtheLenks(13,635eurocentperkilowatt-hour).