In three weeks, on the second Saturday of February, at eight morning Lithuania will turn off the first electricity line leading to
Koenigsberg, now Kaliningrad. Electroline from Russia: left Russia, right Estonia. The picture was taken in Narva. Photo: Ilja Smirnov
In three weeks, on the second Saturday of February, at eight at morning Lithuania will disconnect the first
electric power line to Koenigsberg, now Kaliningrad.
Then – a second line, after disconnecting which the Russian exclave, located near Poland and Lithuania, will have to supply itself with electricity. After that one by one one by another the remaining eight lines connecting the Baltic countries with the power grids of Belarus and Russia will be disconnected. The last priority is for Elering employees to switch the switch in Narva. In the morning of 8 February at 9:00 movement of electrons across the border of the two worlds should stop.
Synchronization of the electric grid of the Baltic countries with Central Europe
On February 8 the Baltic countrieswilldisconnectfromthepowersystemsofRussiaandBelarus,andonFebruary9willconnecttoPoland’senergy system.
Red: Points ofconnectionwithRussia
Blue: Locationsofconnectiontoothercountries