8 January 2025 year. in the Sejm held a discussion on the subject of the necessity of sanctioning imported from Russia and from Belarus, whose imports in last months to Poland are record-breaking. MEPs debated on the occasion of voting on the amendment of laws regarding the EU law, a referring to the so-called law. the Sanctions Act, serving protection of national security, the National Administration Criminal and the Act against money laundering and financing terrorism.
Seal sanction on Russia
Jaroslaw Sachajko of KP Free Republicans, indicated, that next time in the Parliament debates on the law, which would remove sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation, but if we look at the budget of the RussianFederation, it will be taken in a very good state. – Russia all the time is arming, all the time is spending, as the state see, gigantic money, and the European Union is suffering, that imposes on their other sanctions. This success is visible in all areas of the economy. 65% of inputs into the European Union are inputs from Belarus and Russia. Dear State, Poland is the leader. Poland in the last year imported by 140% more ferries than in 2023 year, therefore from one side talks about sanctions, and from the other side all the time is supplying cash to the Russian Federation, so that it can spend so gigantic money on armament. A few days ago the presidency of Poland in the European Union began. Today about this debate. This document, which the government prepared, was an empty document, complete with generalities. I count on that this presidency will lead to imposed real sanctions, so that the war in Ukraine will end, because it has already lasted almost
3 years, in a minute 3 years. Russia wins on Ukraine, a win because, that sanctions are hollow, a European Union
does not help Ukraine in winning this war.
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Whether in 2025 year cenyFertilizer
will be lower? Deputy Head of Group Azotas refers
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One-sided embargo on fertilizers? As in Lithuania?”
From the counter Anna Gembicka of the PiS reminded of the resolution, which called the EU to impose sanctions on Russian and Belarusian food. – and what? I nothing. The duties on some goods, but most goods far from entering, same as the vehicles enter despite the fact that Azoty and Anwil have greater financial problems. In concerning this I wanted to ask, whether in the presidency or in the activities, which the ministry predicts, there will be some action, to stop this flow of goods. We see, that the European Union, the European Commission does a lot about this and unfortunately does little.
She asked: how the government will respond to these issues and whether it might introduce a unilateral embargo, such as it has done for even Lithuania.
30 proc. customs on Russian ferries, a subsidy to Polish ones?
Paweł Rychlik of Law and Justice, explained how the import of ferries to EU from the east is growing. – In the last 13 months,(…) Poland has become the champion in import of mineral fertilizers. In in 9 months 2024 year to Poland there were 862 tys t of such mineral fertilizers . But in 2021 year, under Prime Premier Morawiecki Poland was also a champion, but in the production of these fertilizers. Today such fertilizers are facing huge problems. The slogan of the Polish presidency is “security”, but, Mr. Minister, if this follows the food security, in which consists of obviously providing fertilizers, will be threatened and we will depend on Russian fertilizers. Poland will in 2024 year spend 1.3 billion zl on these ferries. This money we gave to Russia for tacy on the production of missiles and the missiles.ammunition, to make they may kill Ukrainian children. Do you have an thought on this ?
He added also – Will you influence the European Commission, so that they introduce from one side 30 percent duties on Russian ferries, a from the other party – subsidies to Polish fertilizers for Polish farmers?
Stop Fall Russian budget
Jaroslav Sachajko, added, that without own ferries and Polish agriculture, and European agriculture will not be competitive.
– Russia has found a very good way to export gas in the form of gas vehicles to Europe. Neither gas can be exported, but already gas in form of nitrogen vehicles – as almost. I would like to ask you the minister, whether in this presidency will be allowed by the state in the whole European Union to import into the European Union of nitrogen vehicles and remove other sanctions, to stop fall the Russian budget.
A wide assortment of vehicles – already sanctioned
Secretary of State in Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration Cesław Mroczek, referred to the reported issues, explaining:
If there are concrete sanctions on concrete products, then they prohibit trading of concrete products, those are resulting from those EU packages and we are for that, to those new packages be adopted. They obviously require reconciliation. There is one obvious problem related to that some states, for whose specific products are extremely sensitive from the viewpoint of their economy, they will have to wait longer. Poland will be among those countries, which will actively for analysis of that, what other sectoral sanctions affect specific sectors of the economy, products, we should implement, and that mechanism, which we will have already improved, if it is about tools, it will just work. Word on the topic of mineral fertilizers. I want to inform you that a wide assortment of mineral fertilizers is already sanctioned. In concerning this the National Administration Fiscal and Prosecution may act here and are acting on the subjects, which attempt this sanctioning system to circumvent. Independently of this we take action in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration. I want to inform you that in December we decision to insert four companies, which have actedon the Polish market in trading, affiliated with production companies producing mineral fertilizers in Belarus. And therefore we act two way: the Prosecutor’s Office and the National Criminal Administration in the sanctions, a we enter directly, we put these companies on the national sanctions list, freezing their assets, preventing their activity in at all. In this area we will be very active, if it comes to the segment of fertilization. We will review this, what products in this area should be, and are not covered
by EU sanction packages, and we will effectively go to that, that they will be in other sanction packages. At the same time we will strengthen our action to
prevent firms from acting in this area, which is already sanctioned. Please you, because in in principle the whole Sejm with except very
few MPssupportsactivitiestothis,thatthissanctioningsystemwouldbecomplete,thatitwouldpreventwarRussianpoliticsandtotalitarianactivitiesoftheBelarussianpower,I wanttothankyouandthenandtoassure,thatwewillacteffectively,usingthetoolsavailable.