In Estonia the owners of filling stations have increased the price of diesel fuel by six eurocents per liter, bringing it to 1,629 euros. Price of gasoline has also risen. The rise in prices is related to US sanctions which were introduced last week and caused the pricing of oil and oil products
around the world. Prices for fuel. Photo illustrative. Photo: Konstantin Sednev
In Estonia the owners of gas stations have increased the price of diesel fuel by six eurocents per liter, bringing it to 1,629 euros. Gasoline also rose. The rise in prices is related to US sanctions which were introduced last week and caused the price of oil
and petroleum products around the world.
In the last three weeks the price of diesel fuel in the global market has risen by 14%. A barrel of Brent brand oil stands at about 82 dollars – this is the highest indicator in the last five months. And even the news of a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, which would usually lead to a reduction in oil prices, didn’t change the situation: restrictions on the export of Russian oil have had more impact.
The sanctions introduced on Friday have already began to impede Russian oil exports to China and India, which are their main buyers. The restrictions have followed largeRussiancompaniessuchasGazpromneftandSurgutneftegaz,183 tankers transporting oil, and also insurance companies Ingosstrakh and Alpha Insurance.