
Sanctions on import vehicles from Russia and Belarus? KE wants to imposerestrictions

Sankcje na import nawozów z Rosji i Białorusi? KE chce wprowadzić ograniczenia

Just yesterday on portal we wrote about that the German largest producer of ammonia and urea SKW Piesteritz, has been forced to close one of its factories, explaining this issue related to the huge quantity of import “fertilizer blood.” means of production on which Russians may conduct war with Ukraine, a which that is in increasing quantities flowing into the European Union,

including to Poland.

German giant fertilizer closes factory. Finished by Russian


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German carrier giant closes factory. The Russian competition

More ferries from import

What more is our country is the largest importer of these products. Frequently on the so-called slopes, meaning bush companies, which appear one day and the other already disappear.

As reported at the end of November Arkadiusz Zalewski from the Institute Economics of Agriculture and Food Economy PIB on Linkedin from analysis of initial data of Ministry Finance on import of mineral fertilizers it emerged, that Poland in a period of 9 months br. imported 3.20 million tons of fertilizer in mass of fertilizer, by 44.6 proc. (by nearly 1 million tons) more year – wrote on Linkedin Zalewski. Of course the most from Russia. By as 952 tys. ton (29.7 percent of volume imports total). In this record 530 tys. ton of nitrogen. In this way Russia has money to conduct the war and has sanctions on gas, which there has been no sanctions, because how you estimate about 70 proc. costs of producing vehicles that was on. There was a proposal to impose 30 proc. customs on nations from Russia and Belarus, but

on this issue nothing has happened. It appears that however the European Commission something wants to do.


duty on ferries from Russia and Belarus. This the Ministry wants to do.Read State Assets

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30% duty on nawozy from Russia and Belarus. This is wanted by Ministry of State Activities

Sanctions on navos from Russia

As reported by radio RMF FM, KE for the first time intends to propose to adopt sanctions on imported from Russia and Belarus into fertilizers, but also and other products agricultural-food. Wants to introduce without looking at the possible veto of Hungary or Slovakia. As reported by a radio journalist, this is the result of the Commission’s consultations with member countries of the EU on 16. package sanctions, a discussion on this topic happened on the minute Tuesday i.e. 14 January.

As reported, the duties imposed on these products would be so high, that their import would just not pay.

How would this situation affect prices? Unofficially we have learned from a person associated with the industry, that for farmers it would be short-term bad news, because it would mean an increase in prices. It would contribute to increasing the demand for our native fertilizers, a situation in the market is that that gas is going up, the price of raw materials to produce fertilizers is also increasing, which may contribute to increasing prices. And that is already happening in all Europe.

No less there are also long-term issues concerning the future of European and Polish production, and these are at this moment very wobbly. Dependence on imports and killing its own business, is not a good solution, so such

restrictions should be more joy than saddening.

Well, that it has finally come to this idea. The question is whether it will be implemented,

because in this view means that it is right to consider food security. Only why was so late this noticed?


BakedontheEuropeanmarketoffertilizers.Pricesofgasarestillincreasing,andimportingisincreasinglymore expensiveandmore difficult



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