For a small carbon for the whole winter
one of the large producers of water pigs he gave an interesting comparison. More than 20 years old pigs at 7.50 £/kg. At the hairdresser he paid then 5 £ per service. Today he receives also 7.50. But at the hairdresser for trimming he charges 40 £. That is, for 100 kg of pigs to the fryer you could go 150 times. Now even not 20 times, a then in larger cities and 50 £ for a ordinary cut not enough.
Another farmer recalls 2001 year. On a small trailer d-43 he took to sup 3.5 t of wheat. The price at the supermarket? 490 zl/t. Some not much, but what could have been for that purchased? He returned to home with a beautifully filled trailer of coal. This cost at then slightly over 400 zl/t.
– a little of the commodity, a fuel for that for all winter – he recalls. And now? For the same supply of wheat we get things clearly more, but we buy much less. With pricing in one of the purchases from yesterday (820 zl/t feed) it will be that 2870 zl/ But in the same purchase a ton of coal costs 1150 zl. A so we buy now about 1.5 t of coal less than in the example above. And this and that slightly better than
it was, because we remember that was that time, not that long ago, when for a ton of wheat you
could buy 400 – 500 kg of carbon.
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The gap between the price of wheat and the lowest wage. It is the worst in the XXI century
Was easier to get started?
It was easier in sure to develop the economy. Of course at then also the investment problems were often sparse, just listen to older experienced farmers, who farmed then. Today the dream is to buy a hectare of field for 4 – 5 thousand £. A 25 years ago such prices were appearing. And this was not at all an isolated phenomenon. For 10 tons of wheat you could buy a hectare of land. But.also remember from what step the farmers started at then. Frequently they started from 5 – 10 hectares. Purchasing even a small field meant increasing the farm by some percent. For a small farm the expenditure of even 20 thousand £ on 4 – 5 hectares of field was a challenge. But also, as says many farmers at then beginning their adventure with farming or taking farms from parents – who wanted to work and to develop, that opportunity for that was. I this is greater than now.
– Today you need first to pack you in millions of loans and to make on itself to pay for retirement. I don’t know whether there would be enough for this payment. When I started myself running the farm from 6 ha after my parents, with two cows
and some pigs, there were us in the village over 20 farmers. Today there
are three of us . I have over 150 ha. Then there was no light,
but I gave the advice to buy land. Today if I had to spend million gold on 10 ha of fields then I would have few times. who invested 10 – 20 years then, won. Now there is no of which – says one of farmers from Lower Silesia.
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What causes, that the plant is winter?
Crops higher, but costs have increased even more
According to data from the Institute Economics of Agriculture and Food the average plots of wheat on farms of are 20 -. 50 ha in years 2000 – 2002 settled in round 4 t/ha. From crop material input per hectare in this time this is about 885 £. The average crop total of all crops is in this time 3.4 t/ha. Thus for example, in 2023 year according to GUS data the average crop of basic cereals is already 4.5 t/ha, a hence increase by 1.1 t. From country a average plot of wheat to 5.4 t/ha, a therefore increase of 1.4 t in comparison with years 200 – 2002.
Were to take the average platoon of wheat, that was in 2002. in 2002 year from hectare we would receive 1720 £. From the crop in 2023 year with average price of wheat at level 893 £/t would be that 4822 £.Difference significant, right?” But buy in example 2023 year we could get less for revenue . Even including subsidies direct. In converting per salet ammonium – in 2001 year we could purchase over 3.8 t of fertilizer. In 2023 year prices salaries have changed dynamically. Purchasing they for example in February 2023 we would pay 2900 zł/t. To purchase that same quantity, which in 2002 year of one hectare, we would have to pay 11 thousand £, which is equivalent to income of al 2.3
In 2002 year saltpeter ammonium cost averaged 452 zł/t. Subtracting therefore 450 kg of ammonium nitrate (153 kg N) the cost of fertilization with nitrogen
only slightly exceeded 200 £/ha. With the average price of wheat at level 430 zl/t this was 47 proc. price a ton
of grain. A let’s notice,thatthisrateNisfertilizationonaplotsignificantlygreaterthantheaverage4t/ha.The pricetonsalarieswasclosetothepriceof wheat.Today,withpricingsalariesatalevelof1500zl/t,samedoseofnitrogenwouldbindatacost of675zl/ha.Withaveragepriceof wheatfromIIhalfof2024year(805zl/t)thiscostisas77proc.priceof wheat.