- Beginning February before the belt. A this means, that if weather permits, we will watch whether it is possible already to apply nit in the thaw winter.
- What form of nitrogen on start in thaw? Which will work fastest?
In saletrosan more form ammonium
Saletrosan is a fertilizer quite popular if it comes to early spring fertilization of thickets. This popularity is resulting from one factor – we simultaneously apply nit and seed. In beans this fertilizer is applied frequently, a this is due to their lower demand for sulfur.
However, let’s one attention to the proportion of nitrate form to ammonium. In Saletrosan 26 we have only 7.3 proc. the nitrate form, on the other hand 18.7 proc. is the ammonium form. Thus the fastest acts the nitrate form, called saletrose. It works fast, but shortly. This from both means, that it does not make more sense to use very high doses of nitrate. Not only it will act shortly, but nitrogen in this form can be exhausted quickest.
The ammonium form, before it is converted into asotane, it needs at least a week. But that is in case, when the soil is very well heated. Let’s not count on such fast transformation in the winter – spring period. But that is good, because for fast action the form is asotane, that is salted. The ammonium form has time for the new transformation. A period, before it transforms into the salicylate form, that is even 6 weeks. If the soil reaches the temperature about 5 C, that is how much time can pass before the ammonium form transforms into asotane. For temperature 10 C that is about 2 weeks. There is
one however, that the ammonium form is not taken by the plant. It is, however in less than asotanium. Additionally the ammonium form is less mobile
than nitrate.
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Zalewski: ForA ton of urea takes 2.7 t of wheat. This is by 49 proc. more than 4 years ago
Azot from urea “for later” for plant, but application as earlier
Deciding on applications of urea does not rely on on on only, as that fertilizer this is based on nitrogen in amide form. Growth needs a fast acting form of nitrogen, and urea does not provide us with this.
The amide form in the hydrolysis converts to the ammonium form. Only after the ammonium nitrogen is converted into nitrate. We already know how fast the transformation of ammonium form into nitrate takes place. And how does this look in the case of amide form? Well in the case of relatively low temperatures in the early spring and winter spring this period is about 2 -. 3 weeks (with
temperatures of air below 10 C). Urea is therefore worth application, but only in case, when
we have the possibility of quick application. Additionally this should occur immediately after the administration
of whether this salars or even saletrosan, a so as quickest after application of ammonium and nitrate forms.
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Winter or is already pre-winter? Plants have resumed vegetation
RSM acts complex
Great opportunities are given to us RSM. In addition to that it offers any form of nitrogen, that does not have to be dissolved, and therefore does not require so much humidity, and falls of rain. Of course, humidity is necessary, but does not have to come in this case to the additional process that is the dissolution of the granule itself.
In some farms all nitrogen fertilization is based on RSM, frequently common is also the practice of applying salted urea solution in one of the doses, while in the second of the doses applying granular fertilizer.
RSM is complex under this reason, and each form of nitrogen offers activity somewhat different time. Therefore we provide both a nitrogen, which works almost “from hand”, and also provide buffer in short and medium perspective.time.
In addition to form note important other factors
at the same time attention to reactivity. Acidified soils always connote problems. In reference to nitrogen there is also some problems, because take N from soil is always worse, depending on the form of applied nitrogen.
Add that that that, when the plant will have available nitrogen, depends on how fast it will become in the soil profile. Note that on lighter soils the displacement may be quicker. I yes for example. on weaker, sandy soils, with rainfall of an order 10 l/mkw nitrogen can be displaced by 10 –
12 cm.
Before once the nitrate is displaced, it must be dissolved. Both these processes require
a large amount of moisture. Therefore there is no sense to delay, if only we
willallowit.Incases,whenthesoilisdry,thereisa needforrainfallatlevelexceedingeven 20l/mkw,sothatnitrogenisnotonlydissolved,butbeforealldisplaced,becauseonlythenisonlyavailabletoplants.