
Saletra and saletrzak. What does they differ from?

Saletra i saletrzak. Czym się od siebie różnią?

The crop-forming effect of nitrogen is rarely to noble in the agricultural environment. This element is on the other hand available on the market in different forms and we don’t always know to ourselves, what the difference is between them. O how in the case of urea is clear, that it acts in a different way than saletra or saletra, about that difference between these two fertilizers, beyond price and percent

content of nitrogen is problematic.

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Forms of nitrogen in fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers contain various forms of nitrogen – nitrate, ammonium or amide. From the chemical point of view these are different ions containing nitrogen, a for the farmer – fertilizers with different actions, useful for different applications. Both saletra ammonium like and saletra contain 50 proc. nitrogen nitrate and ammonium. What characterizes these forms?

The nitrate form, also called salts, is fast taken by plants, by which is perfectly suitable for achieving an immediate effect in the period of intensive growth of plants, but at the same time equally quickly it can be removed from soil, therefore unused becomes useless. Azotium in this form stimulates the synthesis of many plant hormones, stimulates cellular divisions, and also propagates magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium. However, one must remember, that this form to act properly requires appropriate temperature of air, and its absorption exponentially increases above 10°C. In

winter crops winter nitrogen nitrate administered in pre-winter stimulates dehydration.

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From both ammonium nitrogen is the form taken by plants slower, but at the same time able to stay longer in the soil. By plants it is primarily used to build amino acids, from which form proteins, a on top of that stimulates the uptake of phosphorus, sulfur and stimulates the development of the root system and natural resistance of plants. The uptake of this form of nitrogen is favored by appropriate moisture soil, and temperature does not have a significant impact. Azot ammonium may act less effectively on fresh lime soils.

Differences between saletra and saletra

Although saletra ammonium and saletra contain the same forms of nitrogen and in the same ratio 1:1, they are not the same fertilizers. Before all, usually already on

the packaging you can see different content of nitrogen, in 30-35 proc. in the case of salts ammonium and 27-28 proc. in the case of


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Saletra ammonium from the principle does not contain in its composition other food components than nitrogen. It is with this fertilizer physiologically lightly acidic, which results from the fact, that nitrate ammonium, which is from the chemical point of view, is the salt of powerful acid and weak principle. From this also because the value of equivalent acid is in its case 61, which means, that for each 100 kg of applied salts of ammonium should be applied 61 kg of calcium carbonate, to neutralize the effect of acidification of soil. In the market in addition to traditional salts ammonium we can also find fertilizers with additions of sulfur, calcium or magnesium.

Saletrack is a mixture of ammonium nitrate – and so saletrack ammonium – with calcium carbonate. From this also because the effect of acidification is decidedly weaker, which with otherwise.emphatically shows the equivalent acid, which in the case salts 30, a therefore at a value of nitrogen less by about

20 proc, for to neutralize the acidifying effect on half of less calcium carbonate. Beyond this,

the action is identical as in the case of salts while the dose ofnitrogeninthesameamountoffertilizerisrelativelyless.Onthemarketin addition totraditionalsaltswe can also findfertilizerswithaddedsulfur,magnesiumorboron.



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