In 2024 Russian users purchased one quarter more smart speakers than the year earlier, or more than 6 million pieces, write “Vedomosti” with reference to data analysts of IT distributor Marvel Distribution.
The strongest increase in purchases of columns in regions – by 30% year to year. So, On Wildberries in 2024 year by compared with 2023 year acquire by 135% more smart columns. In Avito sales of gadgets increased by 25% year to year. In Citilink bought by 11% more speakers than the year ear earlier. Representatives of marketplaces and retailers did not cite absolute numbers.
The leader in sales of smart speakers in the Russian market remains unchanged. According to “Marvel-distribution”, to purchase gadgets with voice assistant Alice from “Yandex” came 80% of purchases, on Marusya from VK – 7%, and on Salute from “Sber” – 5%. Sales of Chinese Xiaomi and American Apple are significantly inferior to Russian brands.
Revenue from sales of smart speakers in the all Russian market in 2024 increased by 26% to 43.5 billion rubles, calculated by analysts of M.video-Eldorado.
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