Sales of dumplings in 2024 year increased in Russia by 21% compared with the previous year. The Romir researchers who shared the results with TASS.
“Study demonstrates impressive growth of sales of dumplings from October 2023 year to September 2024 year: growth in monetary expressions was 34%, and in tonnage – plus 21% in comparison with the same period year ear earlier”, – said experts.
This trend is conditioned by factors, the said in In research it is noted that the average check on dumplings (256 rubles) significantly exceeds the average check on cooked food (178 rubles). But the Russian consumer demonstrates stable steadiness to traditional products, which is confirmed by stable demand for pelmeni. Significant role in success category play specialized stores. They account for every fourth ruble spent on this product in Russia. Supon breakfast,dumplingson dawn:in “O’Kay”told howRussiansstarttheirday