
Russian business optimistically estimated its prospects in 2025 years

Российский бизнес оптимистично оценил свои перспективы в 2025 году

Analytics HeadHunter found out, that only a quarter of Russian companies negatively estimates the position on market in 2025 year, the forecast of the other representatives of business is neutral or optimistic. The survey was conducted in - Yuri A/Shutterstock/Fotodom – Yuri A/Shutterstock/Fotodom

Business Outlook

26% of employers believe that 2025 is not the best year for their company . Opposite opinion hold 30% of surveyors, who evaluate the prospects of their business positively. 40% count on stable situation, and another 5% difficult to answer.

The assessment of the position of the company in the coming year differ markedly in depending on the level of the position of the respondents. So, among CEOs and owners of business are 32% positive, while among heads of departments and subdivisions – only 24%. At HRD and managers of departments for personnel with optimism look into the future 40%, and among line specialists for recruitment – 31%.

The most often positive forecast of the prospects for the company in 2025 year gave representatives of industry “Hotels, restaurants, dining, catering” (45%), “Retail trade” (35%), “Light industry” (32%). Negative estimates frequently occurred among companies from industries ” “Yukassa”:smallbusinesse-commercegrowsfasterthanbystree-krupnogo

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