In Russia will begin to track the volumes of malt used for the production of beer, write “Izvestia”.
Photo: Alexey Alexey Andr Andr Tkachenko/shutterstock
The protocol of the last meeting of the state commission, the profile which – opposition to illegal turnover of industrial products, its work is supervised by First First Vice Prime Minister Denis Manturov.
At the meeting experts from different departments discussed in including the falsification in the beer industry and tools that will help to fight it. In end Denis Manturov asked in the first quarter Minselekhoz, Minpromtorg, Minfin and the Label CRPT operator to assess whether the movement of salt through the supply chain in the federal information system “Grain”.
The “Grain” system “Grain”, which counts the movement of raw from The authorities intend to understand how effective it is to comparedatafromthetwothesesystems.Theexpertspredictthatthisapproachwillallowtoestimatetheleveloffalsificationand subsequentlyexcludeitfrom themarket.