
Russia supports its milk producers with 80 billion rubles.

Rosja wspiera swoich producentów mleka kwotą 80 mld rubli

Priority sector agriculture

Russia does spare financial outlays on increasing domestic milk production. In the calendar year 2024 Russian dairy industry received subsidies of about 80 billion rubles (777 million euros). This was one and a half fold more than in 2023 .

Vice-Premier Dmitry Patrushev had not long ago reached attention to this at the Congress of the Association of Milk Producers in Moscow. No other sector of Russian agriculture receives such high level support.

Milk production is to be significantly increased

Patrushev announced, that milk producers will be able to borrow money on preferential conditions – 8.3 proc. on a year – also in 2025 year. According to the vice premier in the last year loans in the dairy sector were funded with 57 billion rubles (554 million euros), which stands almost twice the amount available for subsidies to interest in comparison with the year 2023.

Also the state reimburses 30 percent of direct costs incurred on construction of dairy plants. In regions with good prospects for development and strong forage base the rate of recovery of costs is as much as 42 percent.

Russia’s Ministry of Agriculture has set its goal to increase milk production in Russia to 38.5 million ton by 2030 year. According to preliminary estimates in last year total 34 million ton of milk was produced. This is about 200 000 ton more than in 2023 year.

Russia strengthens money policy, less also for agriculture

This year Russian ministry of agriculture has retained all state programs supporting the agricultural sector, despite the tightening of monetary policy caused by inflation. However there will be significantly less money than in 2024 year. This was explained by First Deputy Minister of Agriculture Jelena Fastenova.

According to the plan support for the agricultural sector is to amount 507.4 billion rubles (4.95 billion euros) in 2025 years. this is an amount of 157.2 million euros, that is of 24 perc. less than in 2024 year. In this 350.9 billion ruble (3.42 billion euro) for the state agriculture development program and 115,8 million rubles (1.13 million euro) for program development of rural areas.

Thereafter 40.7 billion ruble (400 million euro) has been allocated to the land program, whose objective is to revert production on unused agricultural land.

More grants for leasing machinery and transport rail

According to Fasten final framework fundingWill depend on the interest rates of the central bank. If this amount is not reduced, the ministry of agriculture will have to seek additional resources, in order to fulfill all obligations resulting from subsidized credits. When needs are to be provided with additional support.

The Deputy Minister stressed, that two key areas received this year additional funds. Support for agricultural insurance increased by 1 billion rubles (9.8 million euros), a support for fruit plantations of multi-year of almost 2 billion rubles (20 million euros). Transport of agricultural products by rail will be allocated

about 8.3 million rubles (81 million euros).

According Fastenova and increasingly popular is

also leasing agricultural machinery . The Ministry of Agriculture will allocate for this purpose 11.9


rubles (120 million euros).


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