
Russia’s largest in Russia manufacturer of clothing closesfactories

Крупнейший в России производитель одежды закрывает фабрики

The largest in Russia manufacturer of clothing Gloria Jeans (GJ) closes sewing factories in Rostov region because of the war in Ukraine. That is reported to the Rostov newspaper “Gorod N” on Friday, 24 January, the founder and head

of the company Vladimir Melnikov, reports DW. Jeans. Photo illustrative. Jeans. Photo illustrative. Photo: Pixabay

The largest in Russia maker of clothing Gloria Jeans (GJ) closes garment factories in Rostov Rostov region because of the war in Ukraine. This was reported by the Rostov newspaper “Gorod N” on Friday, 24

January, the founder and head of the company Vladimir Melnikov, reports DW.

“There are no new technologies for development and performance and we are losing, as one, both men, so and women, are going to WWO (propaganda euphemism, introduced by Russia’s leadership and used by pro-Russian sources to describe the invasion of Russia in Ukraine – prim.), and others are to make similar clothing with big orders and big wages. We have a very diverse product and we are very successful in quality, fashion and price to alternative suppliers. “Just saying – it’s very profitable. We are no longer a manufacturing, but a retailer-company,” the businessman said.

According to Interfax agency with reference to two sources, the factories in Shakhty and Novoshakhtinsk are to be closed. Their employees have already received notices of dismissal from 31 March.

The Regionalportal “” write that these enterprises work in total more than 1500 people. In addition, according to the data of the portal, since the end of 2024 year the sewing shop GJ in the city Salsk.

The Liquidation is threatened also by production in the cities of Gukovo and Zverevo, the deputy of the Duma from the Rostov region Ekaterina Stenyakina reported. According to her sayings, the total firing will affect about 2000 employees.

Reaction of the authorities

Stenyakina expressed displeasure with the decision of the company. She remembered that “in the early 1990s Gloria Jeans began its way on the capacity of these two factories which were created in the Soviet time.” “On the base of factories Rostov Region Gloria Jeans has become the main domestic manufacturer of clothing. It is impossible that the labor collectives are now unemployed, and the production has gone to Asian factories to Malaysia and other countries,” the deputy wrote in the Telegram channel.

She addressed to the head of the Ministry of Industry of the Russian Federation Anton Alikhanov. “Together with the executive authority we will talk about that Gloria Jeans think about investing in production on the Don and re-equipping our factories. “Closing production facilities that produce demanded in the market products should not be the only option for the development of the company,” the legislator said.

According to RBC Rostov, the authorities of Rostov region are now looking for new investors for the resumption of the company’s operations.

Movement of production to Asia

Now the network of retailer Gloria Jeans counts over 600 stores more than 300 cities in Russia, writes Interfax. According to the data of “City N”, total in Russia the company has 17 factories,In addition, it has production facilities in Pakistan, China, India, Vietnam, Bangladesh and Uzbekistan.

In December the Kommersant newspaperreportedthatGJdecidedtotransfera number ofproduction sitesfromRussiatoVietnam,BangladeshandUzbekistanbecause of alack ofskilledemployeesandlowqualityofRussianmaterials.

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