
Russia and China will fight the counterfeits of goods from Russia to ChinainChina

Россия и Китай будут бороться с подделками под товары из РФ в КНР

General Director of Russian Export Center (REC) Veronika Nikishina, who is referenced “Ria News”, reported, that Moscow and Beijing will seriously fight with counterfeits of Russian goods in China.



In China the products from Russia are rapidly gaining popularity. In many cities in all countries have opened trading points selling products under the sign “goods from Russia”, but some stores sell counterfeit or products manufactured not in Russia.

“Today we signed with the supervisory authority of Liaoning province for control of quality of products agreement, they will fight with counterfeit Russian products in

She also noted that in the future the practice of fighting against counterfeiting is planned to be applied in other provinces in China. She said, today there is a huge surge of interest in Russian products among the people of China, the important task for the

In Shenyang two stores under the brand “Made in Russia”

Китай впервые вошел в тройку крупнейших поставщиков пива в Россиюпо итогам2024года

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