Every month we track reports published by the Head Inspectorate of Veterinary data on focus of infectious diseases of animals. We discuss it regularly in context of the occurrence of American foulbrood. As that received to us data for the last month of the year we decided to summarize the epizootic situation related to the expansion of the disease. Before however to this we add, that in the general report there was one new focus of disease, which has affected the Gniezno county in Wielkopolska.
Fewer focuses of disease than before the year
In initially we have to note the fact of some divergences. According to GIA reports in last year 117 focuses of American rot were confirmed. In last month they contacted us only representatives of the district inspectorate of veterinary in Raciborz, according to their focus, which according to the GIA report has occurred in th this county has not been confirmed in official surveys. This is why for accuracy in our analysis we have for this focus and we will operate value 116 focus.
The value mentioned is significantly lower than the level last year, when this we had in the country confirmed 188 focuses. From the other side this is a quantity significantly higher than in the years 2021-2022, when this we had confirmed respectively
67 and 95
focuses. For accuracy it’s worth saying, that at at least
in 2021 year because of
the pandemic the number
of controls in belt may be limited, therefore the
level of 67 focus not to end should be taken to the heart.
Only three provinces without focus of disease
O how welcomes the decrease in the number of belt with confirmed disease infection, this is not concerned slightly about the fact of disease in provinces, which in last year were free from disease. In the last year 2023 focus was confirmed
in provinces: Lublin,
Lodz, Malopolska, Mazovian, Poland, Podkarpackie, Silesian, Wielkopolska.and Western Pomerania. This
year to these provinceswerealsojoinedbytheLubuskie,Podlaskie,PomorskieandSwiętokrzyskie provinces.Suchasbeforetheyearmostfireswere recordedinsouthernPoland,particularlyintheSilesianandPodkarpackie provinces,unlessthesignificantnumberofinfectionsinWielkopolska is of concern.