
Rostov authorities are negotiating with three investors about the purchase of the closingfactoriesofGloriaJeans

Ростовские власти ведут переговоры с тремя инвесторами о покупке закрывающихся фабрик «Глории Джинс»

The Rostov region is negotiating with three investors about acquisition of closing factories of Russian manufacturer and retailer of clothing Gloria Jeans in the region, reports press service governor of the region.

Source: Gloria Jeans

Source: Gloria Jeans

The Governor of the region Yuri Slyusar asked the regional Ministry of Industry to find a solution for the preservation of the production complex of garment factories and work on the topic of business buyout by profile investors.

“With three investors we are working on the issue of acquiring these factories to keep the profile activities and , especially to save the workplaces”, – said the head of the minprom Andrey Savelyev.

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“People will definitely receive benefits, definitely find jobs. In, – said Slyusar.

As reported earlier, “Gloria Jeans” plans to close garment factories in two cities of Rostov region. Employees of the garment factories have receivednoticesof dismissal,in thereasonfordismissaliscalledliquidation.подразделений.

В Ростовскойобластиуволилиболее2тыс.работниковGloriaJeans


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