After appearing in the
Alena Matrosova/Shutterstock/Fotodom
According to the results of the research, the belief about hazardous products of “Giselle” is not confirmed, but violations of the safety indicators have been discovered in other producers of marshmallow. In addition, it was found that maltite is contained only in the sephyr where this sugar substitute is declared – the makers didn’t add it, not indicated on the labeling. Where maltite is contained, in addition to the appropriate indication in composition, it is inscribed “in excessive use may may be (may) obtain laxative effects”.
“Some problems have been in microbiological indications. In products “Belevsky zefir” (Tula oblast) and “Lyanezh” (St. Petersburg) significant exceedance of the
In the agency also noted that the department of Rospotrebnadzor for St. Petersburg and Tula region announced warnings about inadmissibility of violation of obligatory requirements to makers of zefir TM “Lyanezh” OOD “Confectionery factory “Neva” and TM “Belevsky zefir” OOD “Belevskaya pastila”.
“The Manufacturer of the trade mark “Belevsky zefir” (LLC “Belevskaya pastila”) has informed that on information received by the Manufacturer was immediately decided to organization of extended work meeting, at where was developed a plan of corrective measures, directed at strengthening the sanitary regime at the enterprise and production of safe to consumer products. In addition, the manufacturer informed that the developedplanofmeasuresto strengthencontrolover compliance with thetechnologicaland sanitary-hygienicregimeat enterpriseis fullyfulfilled”,-notedin Roskachestvo.