
Роскачество проверило гели для стирки

Роскачество проверило гели для стирки

Roskachestvo researched popular washing gels for washing 19 brands, and also washing medium in capsules (1 TM). The study was conducted for two reasons – the serious growth of this category to replacement of traditional powders for washing, and also changing positions in the market in due to the withdrawal of foreign companies. The research program included 49 indicators of safety, quality and validity of labeling.



In the study were included 15 trade brands which are manufactured in Russia – Aroma Drop, Big Stirka, Dosia, Faberlic, Qualita, VkusVill, BioMio, Meine liebe, Synergetic, Laska, Losk, Persil, (liquid gel), Alpi, Sorti, Samokat. Two more 2 trade brands are produced in France – Ariel, Tide. And one each in Belgium (Amway home), Turkey (ABC) and China (Persil in capsules).

According to the Center Center of Consumer Behavior Roskachestvo, 34% of respondents use liquid media for washing, 21%  only powder, 42% combine washing medicines, a 5% – only capsules. Some surveyors reported (multiple selection), that things were bad to wash (40%), after washing they left stains (25%), present unpleasant (16%) or sharp (16%) smell after washing, the medicine affects the color of cloth 94%) or causes allergies (3%). Consumers also complain about the

Washing ability. Experts tested washing gels to their ability toAt high and low temperatures the GOST and advanced standard Roskachestvo establishes the washing capacity of the washing media at not below 60%. At temperature of water in 60 degrees the gels fight with stains from motor oil, sweat fat, protein contamination, starch, clay and others. All contaminants in the laboratory studies mimic stains that could appear in everyday life. For example, protein contaminants are blood, starch – stains from porridge, sauces, children’s food, potatoes and etc. etc. All medicines coped with most part of contamination, but for starchy contamination the worst performance was of Samokat, ABC, Amway home, Qualita (below 60%).

Also Some of the Laundry were studied on ability to control stains at low temperatures (40 degrees). With this indicator didn’t reach to

Fourth class of hazard. On indicators of safety, in including toxicological and sanitary-chemical nonconformities in examined goods not revealed. Washing gels are not harmful to health, if used with their purpose (please do not drink washing gels !). The Standard Roskachestvo requirements that all medicines must be below 3 class of hazard.According to the results of the research all they are classed to

Leachability from fabric. The leachability of washing agents from fabrics is determined by sanitary-chemical indicators. After three cycles of rinsing the content of anionic and nonionic surface-active substances (aPAW and nPAW) was determined. Following the results of the study, no APAVs appeared after Amway home gel, the most there were there after washing Ariel gel. In the same time nPAH was almost not

The Roskachestvo standard includes indicators that regulate the strength of the fabric and its appearance after washing. A single incidence of a general reduction of strength on tear in length and width (along and across) in as a result of chemical destruction and exposure to mechanical factors – TM ABC.

And the size changes remarked shrinkage of the fabric in width (TM Alpi) and along (“Samokat”, “Big Stirka”, “VkusVill”, Tide, “Losk”, Dosia, BioMio, Meine liebe, Persil, Sorti, Persil capsules). Lint (pills) on laundered clothes did not occur after 15 washing at 40 degrees.

If too much mineral salt is deposited on the fabric when washing, after a few washes the cloth may become stiff and coarse. On this indicator is not

There was a research showing the loss of the fabric.The tests showed that the color of the garments decreased insignificantly. It is worth noting, that in the study of washing powders (conducted earlier) all clothes faded and

The effect of means in capsule is practically not different from the effect of gels without a capsule. According to test results, the capsule (laundry washing concentrated “Persil Caps Color” in

Best and worst. Synergetic Synergetic Gel for washing brand Synergetic complies with all requirements of the repeating standard of Roskachestvo, thus it can claim to award the State Label of Quality. Aroma Drop (4.8 points) and “Big Stirka”, “Laska”, BioMio, “Persil” Gel, Amway home, Faberlic (4.6 points). The product in capsules “Persil” is not in included in the rating of gels and was researched referentially, but on all indicators it shares the second place with TM Aroma Drop.

The worst in the resultsoftheLaundry GelABC(3.8points) -ithas themostfaultsin comparisonwith theothergels.Slightlybetter.gelsfrom  “Samokat”and Qualita -4points(on 5nonconformitiestothestandardRoskachestvo).Temnot less, absolutelyalltheresearchedmediaforwashingcomplieswiththemandatoryrequirementsoflegislation.

Roskachestvohas revealedviolationsat manufacturers ofzefirunderthebrands”Belevskyzefir”and  “Lyanezh”

Certificates“Roskachestvo-Khalal”recognizedin UAE

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