In 2024 year the courts under lawsuits Rosalkogoltabakkontrol excluded 35 juridical entities from state register of producers of beer and beer beverages, sider, poir and mead, write “Vedomosti” with reference to data analysts of the service checking contractors “Contour. Focus.” In among such companies appeared small regional enterprises, in including the Tatarstan “Timbir” and Vologda brewery plant.
Tero Vesalainen/Shutterstock/Fotodom
For data “Contour. Focus, in total in in The main reasons for exclusion of breweries from the registry were the discrepancy of address, the absence of documents for equipment (name of product, serial number, name of manufacturer, date of issue and other.), agreement of lease of premises and etc. According to the representative of the agency, specialists of the service are conducting checks of brewers from February 2024 y. to “We apply to the court, when we find substantial violations in organizations. For example, if the production premises are not owned or long-term lease. Juridical mechanism for automatic exclusion of the operating enterprise from the registrynowis not available,theagencycandothisonlyinthe courtorder.