
Результаты работы RAU GR в 2024 году

Результаты работы RAU GR в 2024 году

Because of full-scale aggression 2024 has become another year of challenge for the businesses of Ukraine. The Association of Retailers Ukraine (RAU) has made significant efforts to provide support for the retail industry in the war conditions.

Through effective communication with government authorities, participation in the development of legislative initiatives and working with the business community have organized systemic work for quality representation of the interest of the industry retail.

RAU GR in numbers

    • 110+ meetings with representatives of government, business and profile organizations
    • 75+ questions, about legislative changes and regulatory acts
    • 80+ requests, suggestions and amendments, directed to resolve relevant issues of retail
    • 150+ personal communications with key government actors and experts

    The Role of RAU GR in the conditions of war

    RAU remained an active participant in solving critical important issues for the country and business. Main areas of activities included:

    • Food security: Facilitating simplification of procedures and resolution of logistical issues for the importation of food and humanitarian commodities
    • Working in war conditions: adapting the rules of business operation, including changes to tax legislation and norms for booking employees
    • Protecting the interests of retail: Communicating with the power on pricing issues, regulating sales of goods and safety of store operations
    • Key Partners RAU in 2024

    To achieve the goals of RAUactively cooperated with:

      • Office of President of Ukraine and Cabinet of Ministers.
      • Ministry of economy, Ministry of agrarian policy and food, Ministry of digital transformation, Ministry of Community and territory Development, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, Ministry of Social Policy, Ministry of Veterans and others.
      • Committees of the High Rada of Ukraine and People’s Deputies.
      • Agencies local self-government, the State Consumer Service, the Civil Emergency Service, business organizations and etc.

      Main accomplishments 2024 year

      1. Digitalization of the processes of booking: Through cooperation with the Ministry of Economy, Minzifra and Ministry of Defense, a automated system for booking through the Portal “Action” has been introduced. In addition, the methodological support to participants of the Association in problematic problems of reservation, and also received the status of critical important enterprise.
      2. Return of International brands: RAU along with the MFA has facilitated the return of large European brands, such as Inditex, to Ukraine.
      3. With the Ukrainian business provided critical comments against the legislative bill No. 9569 on transferring the function of administering the single contribution to the public state social insurance from the GSTS to the Pension fund from 2024 year, because it is impractical under current conditions, its implementation will lead to increased expenditures of the Pension Fund.
      4. Collaboration with the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine on cooperation on the implementation of the Project “National”.Cashback” in the framework of the “Made in Ukraine” program. Organizational and analytical activities on the mechanism of the implementation of cashback for Ukrainian goods, and the important role of retail in the implementation of the mentioned national programs.
      5. Were presented proposals to the draft Law of Ukraine “On mobilization preparation and mobilization” (most of these were accounted for in the adopted edition of the law)

      Analysis of critical issues

      • The Cabinet of the Ministers of Ukraine and the Profile Committee of the High Rada of Ukraine have received significant part of the RAU proposals for the Law of Ukraine #11416-д, providing for an increase in taxes
      • Providing for electronic booking of workers, and also submitted proposals to the draft Law of Ukraine “On mobilization preparation and mobilization” (most proposals were accounted for in the adopted edition of the Law)
      • Situation with regulation of the sale of alcohol and tobacco products, ensuring profitable operation of stores networks on the background of initiatives for additional regulation (restrictions)
      • Safety of the activities of retail establishments in time of “air alarm”
      • Working to reboot law enforcement and controlling bodies, and specifically: were presented proposals to the CMU legislative bill about rebooting the BEB (#10439), representatives of RAU participated in the working group on reforming and rebooting the State Customs Service
      • Presented proposals to new Rules of Trade services

      Organization forums and events

      At RAU EXPO-2024 was organized panel.discussion on theme “Synergy of tax and economic policies for sustainability and development in the conditions of war”, the participants were representatives of the power and business of Ukraine: Nadezhda Bigun, Deputy Minister of Economy Ukraine, Danilo Hetmantsev, Chairman of the Committee of the Verkhovnaia Rada Ukraine on Finance, Tax and Customs policy, Sergey Taruta, People’s Member of Parliament, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the VRU On Economic Development, Sergey Ivashchenko, Manager of GR&CSR Metro Ukraine and Olesya Olenitskaya, Corporate Affairs Director Kievstar.

      Plans for the future

      RAU will continue to protect the interests of retail in pay and constructive cooperation with the authorities, and also work to adapt legislation to the realities of war. The main priorities are:

      1. Вопросы бронирования критически важных работников
      2. Необходимость отмены других постановлений по регулированию розничной наценки и предельных сроков расчетов за продукты питани
      3. Оставление существующей ставки эквайринга украинских банков до окончания действия военного положения
      4. Продление сроков использования кредитных средств по льготным кредитам в поддержку компаний ритейла по программе доступных кредитов 5-7-9%
      5. Problem of registration of tax bills
      6. Problems of supervision (control) in the pricing of food goods
      7. Support for local production through national initiatives.

      2024 the year was a testament that even in the most difficult conditions it is possible to achieve results throughunity between business and government. GR-direction RAU worked to strengthen the position of retail in Ukraine, and also continue to provide food security for the country.

      Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

      1. What are the key outcomes of RAUin2024year?


      2.What is therole of theAssociationinthetimeofwar?

      RAUwasinvolved infoodsecurity,adaptationofbusinesstothenewconditionsandcommunicationwiththeauthoritiestoresolveimmediateproblems.

      3.What are theplansRAUfor2025year?

      Continueworkingontheabilitytoretaincriticalcriticalemployeesforcompanies(electronicbookingandimprovingthesystem),development ofnationalprograms,improvingtheconditionsforbusinessinwarconditions,reducingregulatorypressureandprotectingtheinterestofretail.


      Yes,there werenumerousproposalstolawsthatimprovedtheconditionsfortheworkingofretail.


      How doesRAUsupportbusinessintimeofwar?


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